Mary Murdock Student File

Student file of Mary Murdock, a member of the Kickapoo Nation, who entered the school on November 23, 1898, and ultimately departed on June 30, 1907. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, an application for enrollment, a returned student survey, correspondence, and a report after leaving indicating Murdock was working as a housekeeper in McLoud, Oklahoma in 1910. 

Achsah Lunt Student File

Student file of Achsah Lunt, a member of the Kickapoo Nation, who entered the school on September 19, 1900 and ultimately departed on May 4, 1908. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, an application for enrollment, a returned student survey, a former student response postcard, a position record card, and a report after leaving indicating Lunt was a housewife living in Jones, Oklahoma in 1913.

Emma Kickapoo (Pen-e-tha-ah-quah) Student File

Student file of Emma Kickapoo, a member of the Kickapoo Nation, who entered the school on November 23, 1898, and departed on September 7, 1905. The file contains student information cards, a former student response postcard, a returned student survey, and a report after leaving indicating Kickapoo was working as a housekeeper in McLoud, Oklahoma in 1910. 

In school documentation Emma Kickapoo is also known as Pen-e-tha-ah-quah. Her married name is Emma Kickapoo Williams or Emma K. Williams (Mrs. Lloyd Williams).


Aphie Douglas Student File

Student file of Aphie Douglas, a member of the Kickapoo Nation, who entered the school on November 23, 1898, and departed on January 26, 1902. The file contains student information cards, and a report after leaving indicating Douglas was working as a housekeeper in McLoud, Oklahoma in 1910. 

In school documentation Aphie Douglas' name is also spelled Effie Douglas and Aphie Douglass. She is also known as Wes-ko-peth-thok.


Mary Williams Student File

Student file of Mary Williams, a member of the Iroquois Nation, who entered the school on April 1, 1893 and departed on July 5, 1898. The file contains newspaper clippings and a letter.

In school documentation Mary Williams is also known as Beautiful Name and Wa tsien ni io stha. Her married name is Mary Kennedy or Mary Williams Kennedy (Mrs. Francis A. Kennedy).


Christie A. White Student File

Student file of Christie A. White, a member of the Mohawk Nation, who entered the school on August 10, 1901 and departed on July 1, 1902. The file contains a newspaper clipping and a report after leaving indicating White was working as a domestic in Hogansburg, New York in 1910.

In school documentation Christie A. White is also known as Kerisite and Christina White.


Margaret Tarbell Student File

Student file of Margaret Tarbell, a member of the Mohawk Nation, who entered the school on August 13, 1915 and departed on August 28, 1918. The file contains an application for enrollment and correspondence.

In school documentation Margaret Tarbell's name is also spelled Margarette Tarbell. She is also known as Margaret H. Tarbell.

Note: This file for Margaret Tarbell was found in the same folder in the National Archives as documents for another student, Maggie Tarbell.


Annie Tarbell Student File

Student file of Annie Tarbell, a member of the Mohawk Nation, who entered the school on August 10, 1901 and departed on June 29, 1906. The file contains a returned student survey, and a report after leaving indicating Tarbell was a housewife living in Hogansburg, New York in 1911.

In school documentation Annie Tarbell's married name is Annie Tarbell (Mrs. Peter Tarbell).