Souvenir of the Carlisle Indian School


A souvenir booklet from the Carlisle Indian School, published for their 23rd year.  A short description of the aims and goals of the school is presented.  Images of students as they first arrived, as well as important visiting chiefs, are given, as are before and after images including those of Tom Torlino.  Extracurricular groups, school staff, athletic teams, and the graduating class are also presented.

The Base Ball Team, c. 1895


The School nine is not always beaten when it comes to a contest with college and other organizations following base ball as a profession.

This image appears in United States Indian School Carlisle Penna ([1895?]), p. 58. No prints of this image have yet been located. 

Because no prints or negatives of this image have yet been found, we believe this photograph was probably taken by student photographer John Leslie. 

Buildings at the Carlisle Indian School, #1, c.1890

A composite of 16 photographs of the school. The captions read: Small Boys’ Quarters, Ass’t. Supt’s. Quarters, Superintendent’s Quarters, Chapel, Guard House, Hospital, Disciplinarian’s Quarters, Band Stand, After School, School Building, Large Boys’ Quarters, Christmas Dinner, School Room, Office & Teachers’ Quarters, Gymnasium, Girls’ Quarters, Girls’ Industrial Hall and Dining-room, Shops.

The handwritten note reads: Buildings of Government Indian School at Carlisle, Pa.