Henry Decora Student File

Student file of Henry Decora, a member of the Winnebago Nation, who entered the school on August 22, 1896, and departed on July 3, 1897. The file contains a student information card, a former student response postcard, a news clipping, a report after leaving, and a returned student survey that indicates Decora was working as a farmer in Winnebago, Nebraska in 1911. Decora also attended the Haskell Institute in Lawrence, Kansas after leaving Carlisle.

In school documentation Henry Decora is also known as Henry Decora Jr. and Henry E. Decora.


Jonathan Clay Student File

Student file of Jonathan Clay, a member of the Winnebago Nation, who entered the school on September 7, 1895, and departed on June 29, 1896. The file contains a student information card, a returned student survey, and a report after leaving that indicates Clay was working as farmer in Winnebago, Nebraska in 1910.

In school documentation Jonathan Clay is also known as John Clay and John H. Clay.


Thomas Buchanan Student File

Student file of Thomas Buchanan, a member of the Winnebago Nation, who entered the school on September 24, 1890, and departed on April 24, 1899. The file contains a student information card, a news clipping, a report after leaving, and a returned student survey that indicates Buchanan was wounded while serving in the US Army and living in Winnebago, Nebraska in 1910.


Charles E. Decorah Student File

Student file of Charles E. Decorah, a member of the Winnebago Nation, who entered the school on September 15, 1899, and departed on September 29, 1899. The file contains a student information card, a returned student survey, former student response postcards, correspondence related to Decorah's experience as a student, and a report after leaving that indicates Decorah was working as a farmer in Thurston, Nebraska in 1914. Decorah also attended the Haskell Institute in Lawrence, Kansas after departing Carlisle.

Lewis French (Chowakegwa) Student File

Student file of Lewis French, a member of the Winnebago Nation, who entered the school on December 13, 1904 and departed on April 19, 1905. The file contains a student information card, a returned student survey, a report after leaving, a news clipping, and former student response postcards that indicate French was working as a farmer in Emerson, Nebraska in 1913.

In school documentation Lewis French is also known as Chowakegwa and Louis H. French.


Belle Sestuwitsuh Student File

Student file of Belle Sestuwitsuh, a member of the Queres Nation, who entered the school on August 24, 1884 and departed on July 8, 1889. The file contains a student information card and a report after leaving. The file indicates Sestuwitsuh was working as a housekeeper in Bibo, New Mexico in 1910.

In school documentation Belle Sestuwitush's name is also spelled Bell Sestuwitsuh. Her married name is Belle Carr (Mrs. Charles Carr).