
Displaying 51 - 75 of 380 records
Healy Wolf Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Henry Wolf (here Wolfe), a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on October 10, 1896 and departed on June 23, 1903. The file indicates that Wolf graduated in 1902 and was living in St. Louis, Missouri in 1913.


National Archives and Records Administration
Elizabeth Walker Progress Card
Date of Entry:

Progress card of Elizabeth Walker, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on June 13, 1906.

Note: Walker first enrolled on October 22, 1896. This card documents a subsequent re-enrollment. 


National Archives and Records Administration
Elizabeth Walker Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Elizabeth Walker, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on October 22, 1896 and departed on March 29, 1909. The file indicates that Walker graduated in 1907 and married Mr. Nelson.

In school documentation Elizabeth Walker is also known as Lizzie Walker. Her married name is Elizabeth Nelson.…

National Archives and Records Administration
Lottie Hilton Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Lottie Hilton, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on October 22, 1896, and departed on July 14, 1906. The file contains a student information card.


National Archives and Records Administration
Lottie Hilton Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Lottie Hilton, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on October 22, 1896 and departed on July 14, 1906.


National Archives and Records Administration
Mary Kadashan Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Mary Kadashan, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on July 1, 1897 and departed on April 1, 1905. The information card indicates that Kadashan graduated in 1905, married Mr. Hall, and was living in Vallejo, California in 1912. 

In school documentation Mary Kadashan's married name is…

National Archives and Records Administration
Annie Reinken Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Annie Reinken, a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 25, 1897, and departed on September 27, 1902. The file contains a student information card.

In school documentation Annie Reinken’s name is also spelled Annie Rankin.


National Archives and Records Administration
Annie Reinken Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Annie Reinken (spelled here as Annie Rankin), a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 25, 1897 and departed on September 27, 1902.


National Archives and Records Administration
Dora Reinken Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Dora Reinken, a member of the Aleut Nation, who entered the school on July 25, 1897, graduated in 1905, and departed on March 23, 1905.

In school documentation Dora Reinken’s name is also spelled Dora Reinkin. She is also known as Dorothy Reinken. Her married name is Dora Shongo (Mrs. Clifford Shongo).

National Archives and Records Administration
Eudocia Sedick Progress Card
Date of Entry:

Progress card of Eudocia Sedick, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on July 25, 1897.


National Archives and Records Administration
Eudocia Sedick Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Eudocia Sedick, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on July 25, 1897 and departed in 1909. She was dropped from the rolls in 1911. The file indicates Sedick had graduated in 1906 and was living in Syracuse, New York in 1914.


National Archives and Records Administration
Polly Tutikoff Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Polly Tutikoff, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on July 25, 1897 and departed on July 16, 1907. The file indicates that Tutikoff graduated in 1905.


National Archives and Records Administration
Sosipatra Suvoroff Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Sosipatra Suvoroff, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on July 25, 1897 and departed on June 23, 1903. The file contains a student information card, correspondence, a returned student survey, photographs, and a report after leaving indicating Suvoroff was working as a housewife in Marshfield, Oregon in 1910.…

National Archives and Records Administration
Sosipatra Suvoroff Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Sosipatra Suvoroff, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on July 25, 1897 and departed on June 23, 1903.


National Archives and Records Administration
Oonaleana Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Oonaleana, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on October 26, 1897 and departed on July 1, 1902. The file contains student information cards and a returned student survey. The file indicates Oonaleana was a second cook in Candle, Alaska in 1912.

In school documentation Oonaleana is also known as Charles…

National Archives and Records Administration
Oonaleana Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Oonaleana, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on October 26, 1897 and departed on July 1, 1902. The file indicates Oonaleana was living in Candle, Alaska in 1912.

National Archives and Records Administration
Anna Buck Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Anna Buck, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1897, and departed on August 11, 1906. The file contains a student information card, an application for enrollment, a returned student survey, a former student response postcard, correspondence, a newspaper clipping, and a report after leaving…

National Archives and Records Administration
Anna Buck Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Anna Buck (Annebuck), a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1897 and departed on August 11, 1906. The file indicates Buck was living in Los Angeles, California in 1913 and San Francisco, California in 1916.

National Archives and Records Administration
Annie Coodlalook Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Annie Coodlalook, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1897, and departed on April 17, 1907. The file contains a student information card, correspondence, a newspaper clipping, former student response postcards, a returned student survey, and a report after leaving indicating she was working as a…

National Archives and Records Administration
Annie Coodlalook Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Annie (here Anna) Coodlalook, a member of the Alaskan (Eskimo) Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1897 and departed on April 17, 1907. The file indicates Coodlalook lived in Vallejo, California and San Francisco, California and was living in Riverside, California in 1912.

National Archives and Records Administration
Cooki Glook Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Cooki Glook, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1897, and died on January 4, 1904. She was buried in the cemetery on the school grounds.

In school documentation Cooki Glook's name is also spelled Cookiglook.


National Archives and Records Administration
Esenetuck Progress Card
Date of Entry:

Progress card of Esentuck (here Emma Esanetuck), a member of the Alaskan (Eskimo) Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1897.


National Archives and Records Administration
Esenetuck Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Esenetuck, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1897 and departed on June 21, 1909. The file contains a student information card, a medical/physical record, a progress/conduct card, and a report after leaving indicating Esenetuck was living at home in 1910.

In school documentation…

National Archives and Records Administration
Esenetuck Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Esenetuck, a member of the Alaskan (Eskimo) Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1897 and departed on June 21, 1909.


National Archives and Records Administration
Laublock Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Laublock, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1897 and died on September 15, 1899. Laublock was buried in the cemetery on the school grounds.

In school documentation Laublock's name is also spelled Lablock.


National Archives and Records Administration