These materials include a petition and correspondence regarding a request by a group of Alaskan students to be returned to their homes.

These materials include correspondence regarding a request to enroll a student from Alaska. The request was denied due to appropriations not being allocated to educate Alaskan students in the continental United States.

In response to a question about whether students from Mexico could be admitted to the Carlisle Indian School, this memorandum is a compilation of information regarding the enrollment of individuals who are not American citizens, including individuals from Alaska, Puerto Rico (Porto Rico), and the Philippines. The memo discusses enrollment…

This program was distributed for a performance by the students as part of the Commencement Exercises for 1917. The play, "The Continental Congress," is taken from McBrien's "America First," and the school borrowed the costumes for the performance. It surrounds the formation of the first Continental Congress and the Declaration of Independence…

This material includes correspondence between Superintendent John Francis Jr. and Commissioner of Indian Affairs E. B. Merritt concerning the draft registration of George W. Cushing, a student from Alaska.