
Displaying 1 - 25 of 375 records
Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Fred Harris (Ko-woot-ke-ish), a member of the Tlingit Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Laublock, a member of the Alaskan (Eskimo) Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Tomiclock, a member of the Alaskan (Eskimo) Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Annie Vereskin, a member of the Aleut Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Helen Fraties, a member of an Alaskan Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Cooki Glook, a member of the Alaskan (Eskimo) Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Anastasia Achwack, a member of the Aleut Nation.

Note: Although the school documentation consistently uses the spelling Achwack, family have indicated that the proper spelling of Anastasia's last name is Ashouwak.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Mabel Stack, a member of the Tsimshian Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Lucy Spaulding, a member of an Alaskan Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Edward Angalook, a member of the Alaskan (Eskimo) Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Pariscovia Fiedoff, a member of the Aleut Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Note: As of June 2021, the remains of Sophia Tetoff have been disinterred and repatriated. Sophia Tetoff was previously interred in plot A-16.

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Sophia Tetoff, a member of the Aleut Nation.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Henry Rose, a member of an Alaskan Nation (Eskimo).

Note: Based on the currently available documentation, this student is believed to be buried in the Carlisle Indian School cemetery but does not have a named headstone.

Cemetery Stock Image

Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Mary Kinninook, a member of the Alaskan Nation.

Note: Based on the currently available documentation, this student is believed to be buried in the Carlisle Indian School cemetery but does not have a named headstone.

Fred Harris (Ko-woot-ke-ish) Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Fred Harris, a member of the Tlingit Nation, who entered the school on December 8, 1887 and died on June 9, 1890. Harris was buried in the cemetery on the school grounds.

In school documentation Fred Harris is also known as Ko-woot-ke-ish.


National Archives and Records Administration
Fred Harris (Ko-woot-ke-ish) Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Fred Harris (Ko-woot-ke-ish), a member of the Tlingit Nation, who entered the school on December 8, 1887 and died on June 9, 1890 while attending the school. Harris was buried in the cemetery on the school grounds.


National Archives and Records Administration
Henry Phillips (Ka-ka-ish) Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Henry Phillips, from the Tlingit Nation who entered the school on December 8, 1887 and departed on January 5, 1892. The file contains student information cards, a photograph, and a report after leaving. The file indicates Phillips learned the printers trade at Carlisle and returned to Alaska in 1892 and worked as a machinist in…

National Archives and Records Administration
Henry Phillips Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of Henry Phillips (here Philips), a member of the Tlingit Nation, who entered the school on December 8, 1887 and departed on January 5, 1892. The file indicates Phillips was living in Skagway, Alaska in 1912.


National Archives and Records Administration
David Sku-vi-uk Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of David Sku-vi-uk, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1890 and departed on May 8, 1893.  The file contains student information cards. 

In school documentation David Sku-vi-uk's name is also spelled David Skee-vi-uk.


National Archives and Records Administration
David Sku-vi-uk Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of David Sku-vi-uk, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1900 and departed on May 8, 1893.


National Archives and Records Administration
George No-coch-luke Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of George No-coch-luke, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1890 and ultimately departed on May 8, 1893. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards listing one outing.

In school documentation George No-coch-luke's…

National Archives and Records Administration
George No-coch-luke Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Student information card of George No-coch-luke, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1890 and departed on May 8, 1893.

Note: Although this card says that No-coch-luke married Elizabeth L. Nicholson, it is believed to be a copying error. The student survey submitted by George Northrop (another student…

National Archives and Records Administration
Edward Marsden Student File
Date of Entry:

File of Edward Marsden, a member of the Tsimshian Nation, who visited the school from September 6 to October 24, 1892 and visited again from June 12 to October 8, 1893. The file contains information cards, correspondence, and a report after leaving. In a letter, Marsden specifies that he was not a student at Carlisle but that he visited while…

National Archives and Records Administration
Edward Marsden Student Information Card
Date of Entry:

Information card of Edward Marsden, a member of the Tsimshian Nation, who visited the school from  September 6 to October 24, 1892 and visited again from June 12 to October 8, 1893. 


National Archives and Records Administration
Florence Wills Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Florence Wills, a member of an Alaskan Nation, who entered the school on December 14, 1892, graduated in 1894, and departed on September 11, 1894. The file contains student information cards and a report after leaving. The file indicates Wills was a housewife in Genoa, Nebraska in 1909 and 1911.

In school documentation…

National Archives and Records Administration