Studio portrait of John W. Pipe and Philip B. Mann.
Studio portrait of Josiah Powlas.
Studio portrait of Julia Given.
Studio portrait of Lambert Istone posed next to a bicycle.
View of the Large Boys' Quarters, with students on the porches and in front of the building, probably taken in the winter.
Studio portrait of Laura Standing Elk.
Studio portrait of Laura Standing Elk.
Studio portrait of Levi Levering.
Note: According to previous cataloging the handwritten caption includes the date January 1888.
Studio portrait of Levi St. Cyr wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Levi St. Cyr.
Studio portrait of Louis Levering.
Studio portrait of Lucy Tsisnah.
Studio portrait of Lucy Tsisnah.
Studio portrait of Lucy Tsisnah, Burdett Tsisnah, and Virginia Nahaklo (seated). Lucy and Burdett were married to one another.
Studio portrait of Martha Napawat probably wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Mike Buffalo Thigh (left) and Paul Good Bear (right).
Studio portrait of Mike Buffalo Thigh (left) and Paul Good Bear (right).
Student portrait of Morgan Kah-ka-neth-la.
Studio portrait of Morgan Toprock and Donald Water.
Studio portrait of Moses Culbertson and Constant Bread; one is wearing a school uniform.
Note: Cataloging information provided by the National Anthropological Archives gives a date of October 1889 for this image, but both of these students left in July of 1888.
Studio portrait of Nellie Carey.
Studio portrait of Oswald Smith.
Studio portrait of staff member Philip Norman. Norman served as band leader and this is said to be his band leader uniform.
Studio portrait of Phillip White (Phillips Bob Tail).
Portrait of Richard Henry Pratt and his family posed with other adult white men and women with children, probably staff and teachers.