Cemetery information and mortuary documents related to Given Bat (Bat), a member of the Apache Nation.
Apache (San Carlos)

Student information card of Albert Casadore, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on February 2, 1884 and died on April 18, 1888 while attending the school. Casadore was buried in the cemetery on the school grounds.

Student information card of Albert Casadore, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on February 2, 1884 and died on April 18, 1888. Casadore was buried in the cemetery on the school grounds.
In school documentation Albert Casadore's name is also spelled Albert Cassadore.

Student file of Cotton Wood, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on February 2, 1884 and departed on November 21, 1892. The file contains a student information card, and a letter.
In school documentation Cotton Wood is also known as Cotton Wood Tree, Young Wood, and Alaneo C. Wood.

Student file of Eustace Pelone, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on February 2, 1884 and departed on May 9, 1892. The file contains a student information card and a report after leaving which indicates Pelone was living in San Carlos, Arizona in 1910.
In school documentation Eustace Pelone is also known as The…

Student information card of Eustace Pelone, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on February 2, 1884 and departed on May 9, 1892.

Student file of Festus Pelone, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on February 2, 1884 and departed on December 28, 1894. The file contains correspondence, student information cards, a former student survey, and a report after leaving. The file indicates Pelone was living in San Carlos, Arizona in 1910 and worked as a night…

Student information card of Festus Pelone (Lizard), a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on February 2, 1884 and departed on December 28, 1894. The file indicates Pelone was living in Rice, Arizona in 1912.

Student information card of Given Bat, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on February 2, 1884 and died on March 2, 1888 while attending the school. Bat is buried in the cemetery on the school grounds.
In school documentation Given Bat is also known as Bat.

Student information card of Horace Eskiminzine, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on February 2, 1884 and departed on September 27, 1886.
In school documentation Horace Eskiminizine is also known as The Neck.

Student information card of Horace Eskiminzine, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on February 2, 1884 and departed on September 27, 1886.

Student file of Norman Casadore, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on February 2, 1884 and ultimately departed on June 31, 1896. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, former student response postcards, a newspaper clipping, a returned student…

Student file of Stephen Smith, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on February 2, 1884, and ultimately departed on June 4, 1894. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, a returned student survey, and a report after leaving that indicates Smith was…

Student file of Borgia A-aitsa, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on April 30, 1887, and departed on August 10, 1892. The file contains student information cards and a report after leaving indicating that A-aitsa was working as a farmer in Fort Sill, Oklahoma, in 1910.
In school documentation Borgia A-…

Student information card of Borgia A-aitsa, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on April 30, 1887 and departed on August 10, 1892. The file indicates A-aitsa enlisted in the United States Army upon his departure from Carlisle.

Student file of Charles Istee, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on April 30, 1887, and departed on November 7, 1895. The file contains student information cards, a returned student survey, and a report after leaving indicating that Istee was farming in Fort Sill, Oklahoma, in 1910.
In school documentation…

Student information card of Charles Istee, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on April 30, 1887 and departed on November 7, 1895. The file indicates Istee was living in Fort Sill, Oklahoma in 1913.

Student file of Lambert Istone, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on April 30, 1887, and departed on September 22, 1896. The file contains student information cards, correspondence, former student response postcards, a returned student survey, and a report after leaving indicating that Istone was working as a policeman…

Student information card of Mark Hopkins, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on August 7, 1891 and departed on May 2, 1898.

Student information card of Mark Hopkins, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on August 7, 1891 and departed on May 2, 1898.

Student information card of Lula Nabahujo, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on June 30, 1898 and departed on June 14, 1900.

Student information card of Lulu Nabahujo, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on June 30, 1898 and departed on June 14, 1900.
In school documentation Lulu Nabahujo's name is also spelled Lula Nabahujo. She is also known as Nawgodeneh.

Student file of Willie Neal, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on August 22, 1898 and departed the school on February 28, 1900. The file contains a student information card. The file indicates Neal enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1900.
In school documentation Willie Neal is also known as Nah-guy-yazli.

Student information card of Willie Neal, a member of the Apache Nation, who entered the school on August 22, 1898 and departed on February 28, 1900. The file indicates Neal enlisted in the United States Army upon departing from Carlisle.

The first page opened with an untitled poem warning of the evils of debt, followed by “Eet, Kit-E-Ko Give It To Me: A True Story,” about fictional Aunt Martha’s exasperation after generously giving away all her potatoes to hungry Pawnee women. The story continued on page four. Page two featured news of returned students along with one-sentence…