Student information card of Minnie Yellow Bear, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on October 27, 1879 and ultimately departed on March 21, 1887.
In school documentation Minnie Yellow Bear is also known as Minnie.
Student information card of Minnie Yellow Bear, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on October 27, 1879 and ultimately departed on March 21, 1887.
In school documentation Minnie Yellow Bear is also known as Minnie.
Student information card of Belle Yellow Bear (Cut Nose), a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on October 22, 1883 and departed on September 15, 1885.
In school documentation Belle Yellow Bear is also known as Cut Nose.
Student information card of Belle Yellow Bear, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on October 22, 1883 and departed on September 15, 1885.
Page one opened with the discovery of a Cherokee tribe in the mountains of South Carolina and how they begged for teaches when the white travelers passed through their village. The Indian bow and white man musket were also compared on page one, with the bow being determined to be the superior weapon. It also described an Indian Buffalo hunt,…
A souvenir booklet from the Carlisle Indian School, published for their 23rd year. A short description of the aims and goals of the school is presented. Images of students as they first arrived, as well as important visiting chiefs, are given, as are before and after images including those of Tom Torlino. Extracurricular…
The caption reads: Noted Indian Chiefs.
The printed note on the reverse side reads: NOTED INDIAN CHIEFS Who have visited the Indian Training School, Carlisle, Pa.
1. Spotted Tail, Sioux Chief, Rosebud Agency, Dakota.
2. Iron Wing, Sioux Chief, Rosebud Agency,…
The printed note on the reverse side reads: NOTED INDIAN CHIEFS Who have visited the Indian Training School, Carlisle, Pa.
1. Spotted Tail, Sioux Chief, Rosebud Agency, Dakota.
2. Iron Wing, Sioux Chief, Rosebud Agency, Dakota.
3. American Horse, Sioux Chief, Pine…
The printed note on the reverse side reads: OUR BOYS AND GIRLS At the Indian Training School, Carlisle, Pa.
1. White Buffalo, Cheyenne, I. T.
2. Mittie Houston, Wichita, I. T.
3. Samuel Townsend, Pawnee, I. T.
4. Nancy Renville, Sisseston Sioux, D. T…
A studio portrait, taken in Philadelphia of Chief Left Hand and his son Grant, Chief Little Raven and daughter Anna, and Chief Yellow Bear and his daughter Minnie.
Studio portrait of Yellow Bear and his daughter, Minnie Yellow Bear.
Studio portrait of Yellow Bear and his daughter, Minnie Yellow Bear.
Photo taken of visiting Cheyenne and Arapahoe Chiefs with Carlisle students and government employees at Devil's Den at the Gettysburg battlefield. The image is dated November 28, 1884.
One person is identified only as "Kise." It is not known if this is Kias Red Wolf (as known as Kise) or Kise Williams.
Richard Henry Pratt requests that the Commissioner of Indian Affairs authorize Agent Miles' expenses incurred while transporting a party of six Cheyenne and Arapaho chiefs and their children as well as Daniel Tucker from the Carlisle Indian School to Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. Tucker and the chiefs' children are all Carlisle students.…