Student file of Eugene Warren, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on August 25, 1897, graduated in 1901, and departed on October 4, 1901. The file contains returned student surveys, a report after leaving, and letters/correspondence. The file indicates that Warren was a disciplinarian in the Indian Service for three years…
Warren, Eugene

Student information card of Eugene Warren, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on August 25, 1897 and departed on October 4, 1901. The file indicates that Warren graduated in 1901, married Louise Rogers, and was living in White Earth, Minnesota in 1913.

Student information card of Eugene Warren, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on August 25, 1897, graduated in 1901, and departed on October 4, 1901.

Student file of Louise Rogers, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 20, 1897, graduated in 1902, and departed on July 2, 1904. The file contains student information cards, a report after leaving, and a returned student survey. The file indicates that Rogers attended the Bloomsburg Normal School in Bloomsburg,…

Student information card of Louise Rogers, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 20, 1897 and departed on July 2, 1904. The file indicates Rogers had graduated in 1902, studied teaching, married Eugene Warren, and was living in White Earth, Minnesota in 1913.

A description of this document is not currently available.

A description of this document is not currently available.
Note: This issue was also published as The Red Man (Vol. 16, No. 6).

A description of this document is not currently available.
Note: This issue was also published as The Red Man (Vol. 16, No. 7).

A description of this document is not currently available.
Note: This issue was also published as The Red Man (Vol. 16, No. 21).

A description of this document is not currently available.
Note: This issue was also published as The Red Man (Vol. 16, No. 30).

A description of this document is not currently available.
Note: This issue was also published as The Red Man (Vol. 16, No. 39).

Studio portrait of the graduating class of 1901.
The students are identified with white numbers corresponding to the typed label below the photograph. They are:1. Peters, Nellie, 2. Palmer, Jessie, 3. Johnson, Mark, 4. Johnson, Dollie, 5. Baine, John, 6. Powlas, Alice, 7. Beaver, Frank, 8.…

Major Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists new employees (George E. Hollenbaugh and Eugene Warren), those who have left the school (Martin Wheelock), and those who have changed positions (George E. Snyder). The reports include position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for departure.

Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists all school employees (W. B. Beitzel, Fannie I. Peter, S. J. Nori, W. H. Miller, Nellie V. Robertson, W. Grant Thompson, O. H. Bakeless, Kate S. Bowersox, Emma A. Cutter, Mariette Wood, Jessie W. Cook, Florence M. Carter, Fanny G. Paull, Jessie L. McIntire, Sadie E. Newcomer, Clara L. Smith, Margaret…

Lt. Colonel Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists new employees (Edgar A. Allen, Lulu C. Lewis, Chas. W. Yeager, H. M. Robertson, Samuel Miller, and William Mt. Pleasant), those who have left the school (Louie McDonald, Eugene Warren, Joseph Ruiz, Leo. Van der May, Sine Marie Van der May, and Pearl McArthur), and those who have changed…

Acting Superintendent Edgar A. Allen submits a corrected irregular employees report for September 1901. An explanatory cover letter is attached.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from Eugene Warren requesting his assistance in securing a position in the Indian Service. Pratt provides information and a recommendation for Warren to the Office.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a request from Eugene Warren to secure a position in the Indian Service. Pratt notes that he previously provided an endorsement for Warren and recommends him for a disciplinarian or assistant disciplinarian position in the Indian School Service.