Student file of Mary Miller, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on October 25, 1890, graduated in 1897, and departed on August 27, 1897. The file contains student information cards, photographs, news clippings, returned student surveys, a former student response postcard, a report after leaving, and correspondence. The file…
Smith, Roxie

Student information card of Roxie (here Roxana) Smith, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, who entered the school on December 14, 1893, graduated in 1905, and departed on September 21, 1905. The file indicates Smith was living in Gotebo, Oklahoma in 1913 and Chilocco, Oklahoma in 1914.

Student information card of Roxie Smith, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, who entered the school on December 14, 1893, graduated in 1905, and departed on September 21, 1905.
In school documentation Roxie Smith is also known as Roxana Smith.

Report on the health of current and former Cherokee students of the Carlisle Indian School.

William A. Mercer forwards additional receipts for accounts of individual students of individual Indian moneys not included in cash papers previously sent. Also included are receipts for disbursements from the Emergency Account as well as documenting other Emergency Account disbursements for which there are no receipts.
Note: It is…

William A. Mercer provides information on Roxana Smith and Bettie Welch to the Office of Indian Affairs.