William A. Mercer provides a report of employees whose probationary period has expired or will expire shortly to the Office of Indian Affairs. Mercer further indicates that Elizabeth Sloan should be relieved of her duties despite having gone beyond her probationary period.
Sloan, Elizabeth Chenoweth

William A. Mercer forwards the note of Dr. Richard Kingman that Elizabeth C. Sloan is under his care for treatment of malaria and a general run down condition.

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs of the correct date for the end of the probationary period of Assistant Matron, Elizabeth C. Sloan

Elizabeth C. Sloan submits her resignation as the assistant matron of the Carlisle Indian School. William A. Mercer forwards the resignation along with further comments on her aptitude for a different position in the Indian Service.

William A. Mercer responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the request of Elizabeth Sloan to be reinstated to the Indian Service. Mercer notes that he has forwarded the Office the resignation of Mary D. Maddren as assistant matron and written Sloan regarding filling the position but has not heard back.

Major W. A. Mercer forwards assistant matron Elizabeth Chenoweth Sloan's request for a 7-day leave of absence.