Student file of Margaret Martin, a member of the Shawnee Nation, who entered the school on October 2, 1899 and departed on October 19, 1906. The file contains a student information card, a returned student survey, a news clipping, correspondence, and a report after leaving indicating she was in service in Ft. Bidwell, California in 1911.
…Mercer, W. A.

Outing rules signed by student Rachel Long and patron George M. Diffenderfer on Feb. 18, 1907.

Superintendent William A. Mercer corrects a previous request from 20 gross buttons for $2.40 to 240 dozen buttons for $28.80.
Office of Indian Affairs Chief Clerk F. M. Conser informs Mercer that the contract cannot be changed since it has already been approved. If the buttons have not yet arrived, Conser suggests that they can cancel…

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent William A. Mercer requests to sell 30 hogs and 20 calves in the open market and to kill 40 hogs for the students to eat. Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Larrabee grants permission for all three requests.

Carlisle Indian School Principal Teacher John Whitwell forwards a pamphlet that provides an overview of a new agriculture class to Superintendent William A. Mercer. Mercer forwards it to Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Larrabee, who tentatively approves the course. The pamphlet, "Outline of Course in Agriculture, Indian Industrial…

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent W. A. Mercer requests to lower the salary of baker Nikefer Shoushick (here Nekifer Shouchuck) from $600 to $480 per year. Assistant Secretary of the Interior Frank Pierce grants Mercer authority to do so.

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent W. A. Mercer informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that he will be permanently filling the fireman, assistant carpenter, and assistant matron positions, but he does not think he will be able to cut any positions without hurting the school.
Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F.…

The Commissioner of Indian Affairs Francis E. Leupp informs the Secretary of the Interior that the War Department has ordered that Carlisle Indian School Acting Superintendent Major W. A. Mercer return to his regiment, thus opening a vacancy in the leadership of the school.
Leupp recommends that they hire a civilian from the Department…

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent W. A. Mercer requests permission to slaughter 20 calves and 30 hogs for his students to eat. Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Larrabee gives Mercer his desired permission.

Carlisle Indian School Superintendent W. A. Mercer requests to give Laundress Ella Albert a raise to $600 per year. Mercer reasons that her predecessor, Ella G. Hill, made $660, and he promised Albert a raise if she succeeded, and she has done an excellent job.
Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Larrabee declines Mercer's…

Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs C. F. Larrabee informs the Department of the Interior Auditor and the Secretary of the Interior that Charles H. Dickson is temporarily the Supervisor in Charge of the Carlisle Indian School and responsible for all its property after William A. Mercer's departure.
Dickson informs the Commissioner of…