Student file of Paul Lovejoy, a member of the Omaha Nation, who entered the school on August 19, 1882 and ultimately departed on July 4, 1893. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards and a report after leaving indicating Lovejoy was a farmer in Decatur, Nebraska in…
Lovejoy, Paul

Student information card of Paul Lovejoy, a member of the Omaha Nation, who entered the school on August 19, 1882 and departed on July 4, 1893.

Studio portrait of Paul Lovejoy wearing school uniform.

Studio portrait of Harry Kohpay, Robert Penn, and Paul Lovejoy, all wearing athletic attire and posing with baseball equipment.
Note: The identificaiton of Robert Penn is preliminary.

Portrait of the school's Union Reserve baseball team, some in uniforms.
The caption identifies the sitters as: top row (l to r), Joseph Harris, Jonas Place, Paul Lovejoy, Joseph Hamilton, Harry Hutchinson, and David Turkey; middle row (l to r), Felix Eagle Feather, John Baptiste, Fred Big Horse, and George Baker; front row (l to r…

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of the Indian Affairs of the 60 students who are entitled to return to their home at the end of the school term due to the expiration of their enrollment or sickness.

These materials include a cover letter and a Descriptive Statement of Pupils regarding 61 individuals discharged from the Carlisle Indian School and transferred back to their homes in the San Carlos, Laguna, Wallace, Isleta, Quapaw, Eufaula, Omaha, Winnebago, Nez Perce, Crow, Kiowa and Comanche, Cheyenne and Arapaho, Ponca, Rosebud, and Pine…