Form indicating to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that Howard R. Blanchard is recognized as an agent to represent claims before the department and the bureau.
Dawson, Edward M.

Richard H. Pratt forwards a report from school physician J. S. Bender that assistant laundress Lizzie James was sick for 19 days and requests that she be granted paid sick leave. The acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs forwards Bender's report and Pratt's letter to the Secretary of the Interior and requests that James' sick leave be granted…

M. R. Stevenson requests an update from the Office of Indian Affairs regarding his request for the return of Nora and Geneva Jameson.

M. R. Stevenson follows up on his previous letter to the Office of Indian Affairs regarding his request for the return of Geneva and Nora Jameson from the Carlisle Indian School.

The Civil Service provides authorization for temporary appointment of a librarian at the Carlisle Indian School.

The Civil Service Commission authorizes a temporary appointment for the carriagemaker position at the Carlisle Indian School.

The Civil Service Commission authorizes the Carlisle Indian School to fill the outing matron position due to no register of eligible applicants.

The Civil Service Commission authorizes the temporary appointment of a domestic science teacher at the Carlisle Indian School.

Alford W. Cooley, Acting President of the Civil Service Commission, informs the Secretary of the Interior that there is no register to appoint an instructor in carriage making at the Carlisle Indian School. As a result an examination will be made to provide a list of eligible employees and that a temporary appointment may be made if necessary…