Student Records

The Student Records section features digitized copies of paper records on individual students at the school. These records were maintained by the administrative offices at the school during its operation. A variety of information about each student may be found within these files, including family background and age as well as admission and discharge dates. School activities, health, outings, and post-departure activities are also frequently noted. Individuals may have multiple sets of records associated with them.

A guide to the types of documents typically found in the student records can be found here [PDF]. Today these records are preserved at the U. S. National Archives within Record Group 75, Entry numbers 1327 through 1330.

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Explore Student Records

Displaying 16551 - 16575 of 17639 records
Date of Entry Nation
Henry Flood Student File Sioux
Margaret Raiche Student File Chippewa
Francis Auge Student File Chippewa, Chippewa (Bad River)
Ernest Bratton Student File Osage
Anna Boyd Student File Chippewa
Leonard Bresette Student File Chippewa
Lawrence Obern Student File Chippewa, Chippewa (La Pointe)
Guy B. Dickerson Student File Choctaw
Rose Beauregard Student File Chippewa
Ernest Bratton Student Information Card Osage
Guy B. Dickerson Student Information Card Choctaw
Henry Flood Student Information Card Sioux
Oscar Hood Student Information Card Shawnee
Oscar Hood Student File Shawnee, Shawnee (Absentee)
Mae Lavadour Student File Cherokee, Walla Walla
Mae Lavadour Student Information Card Walla Walla
Mattie Logan Student Information Card Cayuga
Marjorie Logan Student File Cayuga
Mattie Logan Student File Cayuga
Marjorie Logan Student Information Card Cayuga
Mary Ann Cutler Student Information Card Ottawa
Theodore Frank Student Information Card Seneca
Theodore Frank Student File Seneca
Mary Ann Cutler Student File Ottawa
Robert Warrington Student File Menominee