Studio portrait of Susie Henni.
Pueblo (Laguna)
Studio portrait of Thomas Kose.
Studio portrait of Perry Tsamanwa wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Perry Tsamanwa wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Siceni Nori.
Studio portrait of Susan Summers and Alice Sheffield, both probably wearing school uniforms.
Studio portrait of Thomas Kitewmi and Hugh Soucea.
Studio portrait of Perry Tsamanwa wearing school uniform.
Note: Previous cataloging indicates the handwritten caption includes the date December 1891.
Studio portrait of Perry Tsamanwa and Asbury Carke, both wearing school uniforms.
Note: Previous cataloging indicates the handwritten caption includes the date December 1891.
Studio portrait of Thomas Kitewmi and Timothy Henry, both in school uniforms.
Studio portrait of Thomas Kitewmi and Timothy Henry, both wearing school uniforms.
Studio portrait of Thomas Kose, Robert Hamilton, Anthony Austin, and Charles Buck, all wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Alice Sheffield wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Julia Dorris.
This image also contains caption information for other photographs.
Studio portrait of Annie Lockwood.
Studio portrait of Anna Morton wearing school uniform.
Studio photograph of the graduating class of 1896.
Studio portrait of Perry Tsamanwa.
Studio portrait of Seichu Atsye.
Studio portrait of the graduating class of 1898. Students are marked with white numbers that correspond to the typed caption below the image.
Studio portrait of Antonio Tapia.
Studio portrait of the football team. In the version of this image in publications, the players are identified: (L to R): Isaac Seneca (Seneca), William G. Thompson (Coach), Thaddeus Redwater (Cheyenne), Martin Wheelock (Oneida), Frank Scott (Seneca), Glenn Scoby "Pop" Warner (Coach), Jonas Metoxen (Oneida), James E. Johnson (Stockbridge…
Studio portrait of Katie Creager (left) and Seichu Atsye (right).
Studio portrait of the graduating class of 1901.
The students are identified with white numbers corresponding to the typed label below the photograph.
Note: Edwin Smith, a member of this graduating class, is not included in the photo.
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Josiah Saracino