Photographic Print, B&W

Displaying 2126 - 2147 of 2147 records
Aniseto Ortego, 1918

The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Aniseto Ortego.

Aniseto Orgeto in uniform.

Photographic Print, B&W
National Archives and Records Administration
Color Sergeants, 1918

Portrait of six male students in uniform, two holding flags. 

This print has annotations with the students' names. The photograph is also included on page 35 of the Yearbook of the Carlisle Indian School, 1918. That caption reads: "Color Sergeants. Charles Sutton (American flag): Alex Jorden (Carlisle Standard of red…

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society
Corporal Spencer Patterson, c.1918

The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Corporal S. Patterson.

Spencer Patterson in his U.S. Army uniform holding a gun at his side.

Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
National Archives and Records Administration
Frank Verigan, c.1918

Frank Verigan in a formal suit with tie.

Photographic Print, B&W
National Archives and Records Administration
Fred Blythe, c.1918

The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Fred Blythe

Fred Blythe in uniform.

Photographic Print, B&W
National Archives and Records Administration
Guy Littlejohn, c.1918

Guy Littlejohn in his U.S. Army uniform around 1918.

Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
National Archives and Records Administration
Marion Paris, c.1918

The handwritten note reads: Paris

Marion Paris in a formal suit and tie.

Photographic Print, B&W
National Archives and Records Administration
black and white image; a large group of students in dark clothing sit and stand around rocky outcropping


The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
real photo postcard, group portrait of twenty young men in uniform (three rows, one sitting) and a one young man in the middle of the front row in a suit

The caption on this postcard reads: COM. OFFICERS Carlisle PA.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
real photo postcard, portrait of a young woman at the 3/4 angle. She sits in front of a rug or tapestry and wears regalia and jewelry

The caption on the front reads: Elisabeth Penny Tribe Nes Perce Indian School Carlisle, Pa..

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
real photo postcard; portrait of a young man (Frank Mt. Pleasant going by the caption), his hair is cut short and he is wearing a high turtleneck knit sweater with a "c" design on the front

There is a faint caption on the front of the postcard which reads: Frank Mt Pleasant.

On the back someone has written in pencil "FRANK MT. PLEASANT FAMOUS FOOT BALL PLAYER?"


Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
black and white image; a group of male students circled around two students and an instructor, they are poised as if ready to run, the students at the center seem to wait for instructor to give them a ball; photograph taken from the vantage point of the track

The caption on this postcard reads: GYMNASIUM, ALL INDIANS EXCEPT INSTRUCTOR. CARLISLE, Pa.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
black and white image; male students in gymnasium, two using gymnastics equipment with a group of other students watching, also a set of students running in the track in the background

The caption on this postcard reads: BOYS AT HEAVY GYMNASTICS AT INDIAN SCHOOL. CARLISLE, Pa.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Real photo postcard, view of an activity in gymnasium, six columns of young men are arranged facing the camera, four of the six are squatting, two (in the middle) are standing with their hands on their shoulders, taken from vantage point of the balcony

There is no caption on the front of this postcard nor has anyone written something on the reverse side.


Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
New Arrivals at the Carlisle Indian School

View of a group of new students at the Carlisle Indian School.

Photographic Print, B&W
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
black and white image; in the foreground a group of young women are posed playing croquet, in the middle ground other young women sit on a bench by the band stand or walk, there is also a man with a lawnmower to the right, in the background is the bandstand, girls' quarters and just visible are the gymnasium and large boy's quarters

The caption on this postcard reads: Band Stand and Girls Quarters, Indian Industrial School, Carlisle, Pa.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
real photo postcard, view of the buildings on the north-west end of campus (includes academic building closest to the viewer, then teachers' quarters, staff housing, and dining hall)

The caption on the front reads: United States Indian School, Carlisle, Pa.

The only words on the back are standardized directions for where to write a message and where to write the address.


Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
real photo postcard, view of section of school campus, male students lounge in the foreground on the tennis courts, female students are scattered in teh middle ground and around the flag pole, in the background is the guard house (to the left) and academic building (to the right)

There is no caption on the front of the postcard nor is there anything written on the back. (The back has remnants of glue though.)


Photographic Print, B&W, Postcard
Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
black and white image, foreground is grass, middle ground is three rows of square white tombstones in fenced in area, buildings in background

This photograph depicts the school cemetery after it was relocated in 1927. It was taken in conjunction with a project to compile the names of those buried. The report was prepared by Paul Adams Yates, James Ramsay Humer, and William Bentz Carroll.

In "The Carlisle Indian School Cemetery: A List of Those Buried There," this photograph is…

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society
sepia toned image, fenced in area with three rows of headstones in foreground, headstone in middle is larger than the rest, buildings and water tower in background

This photograph depicts the school cemetery after it was relocated in 1927. It was taken in conjunction with a project to compile the names of those buried. The report was prepared by Paul Adams Yates, James Ramsay Humer, and William Bentz Carroll.

In "The Carlisle Indian School Cemetery: A List of Those Buried There," this photograph is…

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society
sepia toned image of the cemetery created after Carlisle closed, three rows of white square headstones occupy the middleground with a dirt road in the foreground and buildings in the far background

This photograph depicts the school cemetery after it was relocated in 1927. It was taken in conjunction with a project to compile the names of those buried. The report was prepared by Paul Adams Yates, James Ramsay Humer, and William Bentz Carroll.

In "The Carlisle Indian School Cemetery: A List of Those Buried There," this photograph is…

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society
black and white image, dirt road in foreground, fenced-in area in background with three rows of white, square headstones

This photograph depicts the school cemetery after it was relocated in 1927. It was taken in conjunction with a project to compile the names of those buried. The report was prepared by Paul Adams Yates, James Ramsay Humer, and William Bentz Carroll.

In "The Carlisle Indian School Cemetery: A List of Those Buried There," this photograph is…

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society