Studio portrait of Lyman Lay wearing school uniform.
Photographic Print, B&W
Studio portrait of Martha Enos wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Matthew Brown.
Studio portrait of Mattie Parker wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Minnie Paul and Inez King.
Studio portrait of Minnie Zawallager wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Neal Monoahsy.
Studio portrait of Pasquala Anderson.
Studio portrait of Ralph Armstrong.
Studio portrait of Reuben Jones.
Studio portrait of Reuben Tahpers wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Russell Whitebear.
Studio portrait of Seichu Atsye.
Studio portrait of Sherman Chadlesome.
Studio portrait of Sirenus Smith.
Studio portrait of Susie Fisher.
Studio portrait of Thaddeus Redwater wearing school uniform.
Studio portrait of Thomas Mooney.
Studio portrait of Violetta Nash.
Studio portrait of William Nada and Mitchell Paul.
Studio portrait of William Ratley (left) and Solomon Miller (right).
Studio portrait of the graduating class of 1898. Students are marked with white numbers that correspond to the typed caption below the image.
Studio portrait of Fred E. Smith and Sarah Smith.
Note: If the identification of the sitters is correct, this photo must have been taken in November 1898. They only overlapped for one month.
Studio portrait of Alice Hayes.
Studio portrait of Anna Parnell.