The first page opened with a poem titled "LA-MAH-NI," a story of an Indian man followed by "A True Story About a Dog: Written for the Indian Helper" about a very smart dog. It continued on the fourth page. Page two included small news items of national interest. There was a report that Jack Mather (Apache) was working in St. Augustine, Florida…
Pine Ridge Agency Boarding School

The printed note reads: Good work is being done in the education of Indians on the reservation by the well-located and efficiently-administered day schools. The pictures above were taken of Day School No. 29 on the Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota.…

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that the Carlisle Indian School can take care of a large number of students displaced by the fire at the Pine Ridge Agency Boarding School.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a letter from Thomas Black Bear to W. N. Hailmann requesting that he be reinstated as a school teacher on the Pine Ridge Agency.

Richard Henry Pratt notifies the Office of Indian Affairs that William Robertson and his wife have agreed to take the positions vacated by Malcolm and Kittie Odell.

Richard Henry Pratt forwards letter from Julia Powlas Wheelock requesting a transfer from her position as a laundress at the Wind River School to assistant matron at the Pine Ridge Boarding School.

Edgar A. Allen provides a recommendation for Elnora Denny to fill the vacant teaching position at the Pine Ridge Agency Boarding School.