Displaying 126 - 129 of 129 records
Report for the Month of November 1911
December 20, 1911

This is a monthly report for filled out by the Carlisle Indian School administration for the Department of the Interior.  It is for the month of November, 1911, and includes ratings on a number of topics including the physical plant, cleanliness, truancy, moral conditions, and scholarship.  The form is signed by Superintendent Moses…

Dickinson College Archives & Special Collections
Request to Enroll a 1/8 Chippewa Girl
December 21, 1911 - January 22, 1912

Thomas B. Mills informs Senator Isaac Stephenson that a 1/8 Chippewa girl would like to attend the Carlisle Indian School and asks him to secure information that would help her to enroll. Stephenson forwards the letter to the Commissioner of Education. Acting Commissioner of Education L. A. Kalbach forwards the letter to the Commissioner of…

National Archives and Records Administration
A typed list showing bond number and relevant dates (purchase and sale) and prices
January 2, 1909-October 20, 1911

This document lists the railway bonds purchased from Reading Railway by school administrators. The bonds were purchased on January 2, 1909 and sold in 1909-2011 for a total profit of $488.

In Inspector Linnen's main report for the 1914 Congressional investigation at Carlisle, this document is labelled Exhibit E.


Financial Documents, Legal and Government Documents
National Archives and Records Administration
First page of the itemized list, type-written, "Ex C" handwritten in the top right corner

This document lists money deposited into the Carlisle Athletic Fund from 1907 to 1914. The category “From Whom Received” lists the place or college where an athletic event was held.

For a text-searchable version of this list, see William H. Miller’s Second Testimony under Related Entries.

In Inspector Linnen's main report for the…

Financial Documents
National Archives and Records Administration