Emma K. Hetrick writes to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to request to host a female Carlisle Indian School student at their house to cook and do housework. Commissioner Cato Sells tells Hetrick that the school will be closing on September 1, and the students will be transferred to western schools, so he cannot accommodate her request.
Outing Patrons

These materials contain correspondence regarding a request by Frank H. Mather to retain Harold Parker on outing after Carlisle closed in 1918.

Outing Host Elizabeth B. Saiborne writes to the Indian Bureau and explains that she would like to continue to host female students at her home after the Carlisle Indian School closes. She is currently hosting a girl named Elsie.

These materials contain correspondence regarding the consent of Mary B. Owl to allow her son John R. Wolfe remain on outing with George Gore in Newton, Pennsylvania following the closing of the Carlisle School.

Reverend Walter L. Ritter asks the Indian Bureau if the Outing System still exists and requests to host a 16-18 year old girl if it does. Assistant Commissioner E. B. Meritt informs Ritter that the Carlisle Indian School closed, so it is impossible to fulfill his request.

Inquiry from Charles Samuel to the Office of Indian Affairs regarding having an outing student placed at his home.

W. H. Bowers requests assistance from the Office of Indian Affairs in securing an outing student from the Carlisle Indian School following the school's closure.

Inquiry from A. Reist Rutt regarding continuing the outing program following the closure of the Carlisle Indian School.