This resource includes the full text from Captain Richard Henry Pratt's speech in which he used the now well-known phrase to describe his philosophy of assimilation: "Kill the Indian in him, and save the man." The speech was delivered in 1892 during the National Conference of Charities and Correction, held in Denver. Colorado. The full text…
The Library of Congress and National Archives provide these resources which includes a teacher's guide and worksheet for analyzing photographs and prints. The resource will aid students in interacting with the docments and teaching resources on the Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center.
This recource includes a teacher's guide for primary source analysis and a primary source analysis tool (from the Library of Congress). It is meant as an aid to the Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center teaching resources.

Dickinson College faculty and students compiled this selective bibliography of primary and secondary sources about the Carlisle Indian Industrial School.

Thanks to a generous 2017-18 grant from the NHPRC, the Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center has developed a teaching kit for use in schools, libraries, and other educational institutions in the United States. The teaching kit is comprised of 35 full color facsimile…
The Education Staff of the National Archives and Records Administration developed document analysis worksheets for different types of material, including written documents, photographs, cartoons, posters, maps, artifacts, motion pictures, and sound recordings.
These resources will aid students in interacting with the documents and…

This resource is an excerpt from the “Introduction” to Carlisle Indian School: Indigenous Histories, Memories and Reclamations, co-edited by J. Fear-Segal and S. Rose, University of Nebraska Press, 2016.

This map shows the locations of off-reservation Indian Boarding Schools throughout the United States, numbered in the order in which each began operations under government auspices. These 27 schools were fully managed and directed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. (There were more than 300 other schools, located both on and off reservations,…

Map of the Carlisle Indian School showing the school at its foundation in 1879 and closure in 1918 and the remianing buildings at what is now the Army War College in 2000. (This resource is provided courtesy of Dr. Jacqueline Fear-Segal.)
The Library of Congress provides teacher's guides and analysis tools for a variety of different materials. These guides will aid students in interacting with the documents and resources on the Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center. Included are guides for analyzing primary sources, analyzing political cartoons, analyzing…
The attached documents are Teaching Standards for the Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center.