Source: "Map showing Indian reservations within the limits of the United States: Compiled under the direction of the Hon. R. G. Valentine, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, 1909." - map insert from Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of the Interior for the Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1909. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1909.
Note: Download the interactive map and open it in Adobe reader for best results. Information about each school will appear in a pop-up window when you move your cursor over each yellow star.
This map shows the locations of off-reservation Indian Boarding Schools throughout the United States, numbered in the order in which each began operations under government auspices. These 27 schools were fully managed and directed by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. (There were more than 300 other schools, located both on and off reservations, many of which were managed by the Bureau, but some of which received subsidies from the federal government for their operations.)