Student file of Lillian Complainville, a member of the Nez Perce Nation, who entered the school on September 6, 1894 and departed on May 16, 1898. The file contains a student information card, returned student surveys, photographs, correspondence, and a report after leaving. The file indicates Complainville attended Carlisle Commercial College, was housekeeping in Troy, Idaho from 1907 to 1909, and was a housewife in Grand Forks, North Dakota in 1911.
In school documentation Lillian Complainville's name is also spelled Lilian Complainville. She is also known as Lillie Complainville and Lillian T. Complainville. Her married name is Lilian Complainville Keller, Lillian C. Keller, or Lillian Keller (Mrs. O. C. Keller), also spelled Lillian Complainville Keller.