Student file of Veronica Holliday, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 15, 1889, graduated in 1890, and departed on July 2, 1891. The file contains a student information card, a returned student survey, and a report after leaving. The file indicates Holliday was a primary and intermediate teacher after…

Student information card of Veronica Holliday, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on September 15, 1889 and departed on July 2, 1891. The information card indicates that Holliday had graduated in 1890, married J. A. Raiche, and was living in Odanah, Wisconsin in 1913.

Student file of Clement W. Soldier, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on September 18, 1889, and departed on June 26, 1894. The file contains a student information card, a report after leaving, and a returned student survey that indicates Soldier was working as a butcher and stock raiser in Rosebud, South Dakota in 1912.…

Student information card of Clement W. Soldier, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on September 18, 1889 and departed on June 26, 1894. The file indicates Soldier was living in Rosebud, South Dakota in 1913.

Student information card of John Yellow Robe, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on September 18, 1889 and departed on June 29, 1896.

Student information card of William Pawnee, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on September 18, 1889 and departed on July 29, 1890.

Student file of Carrie Hamlin, a member of the Wyandotte Nation, who entered the school on September 19, 1889 and departed on July 14, 1890. The file contains a student information card, a returned student survey, and a report after leaving. The file indicates Hamlin attended St. Joseph's Academy in Marquette, Michigan, was a teacher in Pierre…

Student information card of Carrie Hamlin, a member of the Wyandotte Nation, who entered the school on September 19, 1889 and departed on July 14, 1890. The file indicates Hamlin was married and living in Independence, Kansas in 1912.
Note: Although this card indicates an arrival date of September 18, other sources suggest that Carrie…

Student file of Eliza Peckham, a member of the Peoria Nation, who entered the school on September 19, 1889, and departed on July 2, 1891. The file contains a student information card, and a report after leaving indicating Peckham was a housewife in 1910.
In school documentation Eliza Peckham's married name is Eliza Scanlon (Mrs.…

Student information card of Eliza Peckham, a member of the Peoria Nation, who entered the school on September 19, 1889 and departed on July 2, 1891.

Student file of Emmeline McLane, a member of the Peoria Nation, who entered the school on September 19, 1889 and departed on June 13, 1895. The file contains a student information card, a report after leaving, and a former student response postcard. The file indicates McLane was a housewife in 1910.
In school documentation Emmeline…

Student information card of Emmeline McLane, a member of the Peoria Nation, who entered the school on September 19, 1889 and departed on June 13, 1895. The card indicates that McLane married John Prather.

Student file of Adunko Kin-Osh, a member of the Caddo Nation, who entered the school on October 7, 1889 and departed on May 1, 1890. The file contains only a blank report after leaving.
In school documentation Adunko Kin-Osh is also known as Kin-Osh-Adunko and Adunko.

Student information card of Adunko Kin-Osh, a member of the Caddo Nation, who entered the school on October 7, 1889 and departed on May 1, 1890.
Note: This student is also identified in records as just Adunko and Adunko Kin-Osk.

Student information card of Adunko Kin-Osh, a member of the Caddo Nation, who entered the school on October 7, 1889 and departed on May 1, 1890.
Note: This student is also identified in the records as Adunko and Kin-osk-adunko.
Note: Although this card shows an arrival date of November 7, his file and information card…

Student file of Cho-a-nit, a member of the Caddo Nation, who entered the school on October 7, 1889 and departed on July 29, 1890. The file contains a student information card.
In school documentation Cho-a-nit is also spelled Cho a nit.

Student information card of Cho-a-nit, a member of the Caddo Nation, who entered the school on October 7, 1889 and departed on July 29, 1890.
Note: Although this card shows an arrival date of November 7, his file suggests that he actually arrived on October 7.

Student file of Co-zed, a member of the Kiowa Nation, who entered the school on October 7, 1889 and departed on September 25, 1890. The file contains a student information card, a former student response postcard, and a report after leaving indicating that Co-zed was farming in Apache, Oklahoma in 1914.
In school documentation Co-zed's…

Student information card of Co-zed (Below), a member of the Kiowa Nation, who entered the school on October 7, 1889 and departed on September 25, 1890. The file indicates Co-zed was living in Stecker, Oklahoma and Apache, Oklahoma in 1914.

Student file of Cown-wit, a member of the Caddo Nation, who entered the school on October 7, 1889 and departed on July 1, 1890. The file contains a student information card.
In school documentation Cown-wit's name is also spelled Chown-wit.

Student information card of Cown-wit, a member of the Caddo Nation, who entered the school on October 7, 1889 and departed on July 1, 1890.

Student file of Eliza Johnson, a member of the Caddo Nation, who entered the school on October 7, 1889 and departed on June 19, 1894. The file contains a student information card.

Student information card of Eliza Johnson, a member of the Caddo Nation, who entered the school on October 7, 1889 and departed on June 19, 1894.

Student file of Gum Wilson, a member of the Caddo Nation, who entered the school on October 7, 1889 and departed on October 19, 1893. The file contains a student information card.
In school documentation Gum Wilson is also known as Tuin-hin, Samuel Wilson, and Sam Wilson.

Student file of Minnie Finley (Kiotse), a member of the Caddo Nation, who entered the school on October 7, 1889 and ultimately graduated in 1899, departing on August 24, 1899. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, a report after leaving, and a returned student…