Student file of Carrie Hamlin, a member of the Wyandotte Nation, who entered the school on September 19, 1889 and departed on July 14, 1890. The file contains a student information card, a returned student survey, and a report after leaving. The file indicates Hamlin attended St. Joseph's Academy in Marquette, Michigan, was a teacher in Pierre, South Dakota, an assistant matron in Wyandotte, Oklahoma, an assistant matron at Rice, Arizona, and was caring for her home in Independence, Kansas in 1911.
In school documentation Carrie Hamlin is also known as C. M. Hamlin. Her married name is Carrie Hamlin Lohner (Mrs. J. H. Lohner), also spelled Carrie Lochner (Mrs. J. H. Lochner).
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National Archives and Records Administration
RG 75, Series 1327, box 65, folder 3294