The Indian Helper (Vol. 5, No. 18)

Carlisle, PA
December 20, 1889
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The first page opened with a poem titled "A Christmas Carol by Eleanor W.F. Bates in Home Magazine. Next came a new installment of the series titled “How An Indian Girl Might Tell Her Own Story if She Had the Chance: Founded on Actual Observations of the Man-on-the-band-stand’s Chief Clerk” (continued from the previous week). In this episode, the Governor was arrested and conditions became more progressive on the Pueblo. The story continued on the fourth page. Page two opened with the cost of a subscription to the “Helper,” news of the Sioux chiefs in Washington D.C., Thanksgiving at the Genoa Indian School, a report that only eight students had been caught speaking Indian during the week, a denouncement of tobacco use, and news of a gift of dolls and fabric donated to the hospital by Frances Sparhawk, who also sent books. Benjamin Caswell (Chippewa) won first prize for answering last week's Prize problem and the man-on-the-band-stand warned two Apache boys of impending death for senselessly playing marbles in the rain. There was a list of the national newspaper subscriptions ordered by the large boys and available in their reading room. Andrew Conover (Comanche) left for his home in the Indian Territory due to bad eyes.

Page three consisted of small articles about the weather, student activities, preparations for Christmas, appreciation for the school nurses, American Horse’s visit with his son on the way to Washington D.C, and news that the new dining matron was the friend of Ella Frances Leffingwell Reed, the wife of Dr. George Edward Reed, President of Dickinson College. Page four concluded the story which became the book Stiya, followed by the author's note explaining that the story is based in fact and that it's resolution will become universal. Then came an excerpt "From the Pipe of Peace, Published at the Genoa Indian School" followed by news of former Carlisle student Rose Dion (Sioux). We learned that former students Joe Big Wolf (Osage) was faring well at Haskell according to a blurb reprinted from the Patron, published in Olathe, Kansas. The page ended with "A Most Sensible Indian Girl," on Outing in North Carolina, "Our Readers Not all Young," the weekly "Enigma" and answers to last week's puzzle.

Time Period
Cumberland County Historical Society