The first page began with a poem titled, “Easter Blossoms,” followed by a notice of “The Wedding” between Guy LeRoy Stevick and Marion Pratt, the daughter of Capt. Pratt. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Norcross of Second Presbyterian Church followed by a reception for 500 guests in the Indian School gymnasium. Also included on the page…
Sparhawk, Frances C.

The first page opened with a poem by Susan Coolidge titled “New Every Morning,” followed by a letter from Ernie Black (Cheyenne) titled “News from our Cheyenne and Arapahoe Boys.” Also on the page was a reprint from The Sunday School Times titled “We Must Be Run Through a Mill.” Page two opened with a quote from Paul Boynton (Arapho)…

The first page opened with a poem by Fannie Bolton titled “It is Time,” followed by “The Experience of a Bull: A Child’s Version of the Recent Flood at Lewistown,” followed by “A Busy Indian Boy in the Country” which was Wallace Scott’s (Pueblo) description of his farm experience in Bucks County. Page two featured a notice of the new premium…

The first page opened with a poem titled "A Christmas Carol by Eleanor W.F. Bates in Home Magazine. Next came a new installment of the series titled “How An Indian Girl Might Tell Her Own Story if She Had the Chance: Founded on Actual Observations of the Man-on-the-band-stand’s Chief Clerk” (continued from the previous week). In this…

A description of this book is not currently available.