The first page opened with an untitled poem by J. W. Burgess reprinted from Sunshine, followed by “Our Walnut Tree” about the Man-On-the-Band-Stand’s efforts to keep students from picking green walnuts. The second page began with “The Captain,” which described the speech Capt. Pratt made during the student assembly explaining his work with the Sioux Commission before he left again for Dakota Territory. Rev. John Robinson’s appointment as superintendent of the Educational Home in Philadelphia (the Lincoln Institute), was among news items featured. Also reported was the death of Phoebe Howell’s (Pawnee) father, Comanche Chief. Page three gave many news items about school visitors, the farm and outing reports, staff and former staff information, farm earnings, and a mention that Annette Suison knitted a scarf for her baby, Eunice. Page four featured “Lazy Jane,” more farm news, a play on words titled “Hidden States and Territories,” and a poem called “Who” adapted to Carlisle Indian School characters.