Student file of Louisa Provost, a member of the Omaha Nation, who entered the school on September 7, 1895, and departed on June 26, 1900. The file contains a student information card, correspondence, her husband's business card, a returned student survey, a report after leaving indicating she was living in St. Joseph, Missouri, in 1910.…
Provost, Louisa

Student information card of Louisa Provost, a member of the Omaha Nation, who entered the school on September 7, 1895 and departed on June 26, 1900.

Studio portrait of Louisa Provost.

The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Dr C.A. McNutt St Joseph Missouri.
Photograph of Louise Provost McNutt and Dr. C.A. McNutt that McNutt sent to Superintendent Moses Friedman on December 12, 1909.

These materials include two separate descriptive statements of pupils for individuals transferred to the Carlisle Indian School from the Omaha and Winnebago Agency. The 5 individuals listed in the first document do not appear to have enrolled at Carlisle in 1895 (although Samuel Fremont did enroll ten years later), but the 11 individuals listed…

Richard Henry Pratt responds to a request to return Marguerite Provost and Louise Provost to their home. Pratt also encloses two letters from Marianna Burgess regarding the case.