Progress card of Rose Lyons, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on August 26, 1909.
Lyons, Rose

Student file of Rose Lyons, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on August 26, 1909 and departed on April 7, 1914. The file contains student information cards, a progress/conduct card, an application for enrollment, a news clipping, a photograph, outing evaluations, an outing record, financial transactions, a report after…

Student information card of Rose Lyons, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on August 26, 1909 and departed on April 7, 1914. The card indicates that Rose was living in Onigum, Minnesota in 1914.

Student file of Oscar Derrisaw, a member of the Creek Nation, who entered the school on February 26, 1913 and who died at the school on February 27, 1914. The file contains student information cards, an application for enrollment, medical/physical records, and correspondence.
In school documentation Oscar Derrisaw's name is also spelled…

The handwritten note reads: Rose Lyons
The printed note reads: It isn't often that Indian students appear in native costume at Carlisle, but the accompanying cut is from a picture of Miss Star Eyes, who attracted much attention at this…

Studio portrait of a large group of seated and standing male and female students, identified as the graduating class of 1914. They are identified in a label attached below the photo as: 1) Louise Bluesky 2) Margaret Chilson 3) Florence Renville 4) Germaine Renville 5) Rose E. Lyons 6) Anna J. Roulette 7) Rose L. Whipper 8) Hazel N. Skye 9)…

The typed transcript of Jeanette Pappin's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Pappin was a student at Carlisle. In this document she is referred to as Jeannette Patten.
Pappin discusses the harsh demeanour of the Matron Anna Ridenour and friction between the students and Superintendent Friedman…

The typed transcript of Mamie Richardson's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time Richardson was a student at Carlisle. In the testimony she is referred to as May Richardson.
Richardson discusses the friction between the female students and Matron Anna Ridenour, her inability to take music lessons…

The typed transcript of Emma H. Foster's testimony before the Joint Commission to Investigate Indian Affairs. At the time she worked as a teacher at Carlisle.
In her testimony Foster explains what she thinks is the cause of the friction between the students and school administration. She also answers questions about the use of corporal…

Principal teacher John Whitwell compiles evidence that the Carlisle administration incorrectly marked the reason for certain students' departure from the school. As explained in the opening letter from Whitwell to Inspector Linnen, Whitwell believes that a number of students were actually expelled. The remaining documents are the exhibits he…

Program for the 1914 commencement exercises of the Carlisle Indian School. The program includes student performances, the names of graduating class and students who were awarded industrial certificates, and the class motto and colors.