Progress cards of Daisy Mingo, a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on October 12, 1908.

Student file of Daisy Mingo, a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on October 12, 1908 and ultimately departed on September 27, 1911. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains medical/physical records, a news clipping, a progress/conduct record, student information cards,…

Student information card of Daisy Mingo, a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on October 12, 1908 and ultimately departed on September 27, 1911.
Note: Although this card shows an arrival date of September 12, the admissions ledger and her file suggest that she actually arrived on October 12.

Progress card of Lillian (here Lillie) Simons, a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on October 12, 1908.

Student file of Lillian Simons, a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on October 12, 1908 and ultimately graduated in 1914, departing on June 2, 1914. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, an application for enrollment, outing evaluations, a…

Student information card of Lillian Simons (here Lillie D. Simmons), a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on October 12, 1908 and departed on June 11, 1913. She later re-enrolled at the school, graduating and departing in 1914.

Progress card of Zepheniah Simons, a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on October 12, 1908.
Note: Although this card shows an arrival date of October 13, the admissions ledger and his file suggest that he actually arrived on October 12.

Student file of Zepheniah Simons, a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on October 12, 1908 and ultimately departed on April 9, 1917. He did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, an application for enrollment, a news clipping, financial transactions, a…

Student information card of Zepheniah Simons, a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on October 12, 1908 and ultimately departed on April 9, 1917.
Note: Although this card shows an arrival date of November 12, 1908, the admissions ledger and his file suggest that he actually arrived on October 12.

Progress card of Charles Ryon, a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on October 13, 1908.
Note: Although this card shows an arrival date of October 14, the admissions ledger and his file suggest that he actually arrived on October 13.

Student file of Charles W. Ryan, a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on October 13, 1908 and departed on April 1, 1910. The file contains an application for enrollment, a student information card, a medical/physical record, a returned student survey, former student response postcards, correspondence, a progress/conduct card…

Student information card of Charles W. Ryan, a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on October 13, 1908 and departed on April 1, 1910. The file indicates Ryan was living in Menemsha, Massachusetts and Gay Head, Massachusetts in 1913.

Progress card of Ellsworth Manning, a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on October 13, 1908.
Note: Although this card shows an arrival date of October 14, the admissions ledger and his file suggest that he actually arrived on October 13.

Student file of Ellsworth Manning, a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on October 13, 1908 and departed on August 5, 1909. The file contains an application for enrollment, a student information card, a medical/physical record, and a progress/conduct card.
In school documentation Ellsworth Manning's name is also…

Student information card of Ellsworth Manning, a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on October 13, 1908 and departed on August 5, 1909.

Progress card of Lorenzo D. Jeffers, a member of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah), who entered the school on October 13, 1908.
Note: Although he is listed as Pokanoket, a family member has indicated that Lorenzo should more properly be identified as a member of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah). Also, although this…

Student File of Lorenzo D. Jeffers, a member of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah), who entered the school on October 13, 1908 and departed on November 11, 1909. The file contains an application for enrollment, a student information card, a returned student survey, an outing record, a report after leaving, a progress/conduct report, a…

Student information card of Lorenzo Jeffers, a member of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah), who entered the school on October 13, 1908 and departed on November 11, 1909. The file indicates Jeffers was living in Menemsha, Massachusetts in 1913.
Note: Although he is listed as Pokanoket, a family member has indicated that Lorenzo…

Progress card of Nehemiah Madison, a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on October 13, 1908.
Note: Although this card shows an arrival date of October 14, the admissions ledger and his file suggest that he actually arrived on October 13.

Student file of Nehemiah Madison, a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on October 13, 1908 and departed on February 14, 1911. The file contains an application for enrollment, correspondence, medical/physical records, a student information card, a former student response postcard, an outing record, progress/conduct card, and…

Student information card of Nehemiah Madison, a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on October 13, 1908 and departed on February 14, 1911. The file indicates Madison was living in West Fisbury, Massachusetts in 1914.

Progress cards of Hezekiah Madison, a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on November 19, 1908.
Note: Although one card shows an arrival date of November 23, the admissions ledger and his file suggest that he actually arrived on November 19.

Student file of Hezekiah Madison, a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on November 19, 1908 and departed on July 30, 1910. The file contains an application for enrollment, a medical/physical record, a student information card, a progress/conduct card, a trade/position record card, an outing record, a report after leaving,…

Student information card of Hezekiah Madison, a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on November 19, 1908 and departed on July 30, 1910.

Student file of Chester Cook, a member of the Pokanoket Nation, who entered the school on January 22, 1909 and departed on June 9, 1914. The file contains a student information card, medical/physical records, outing evaluations, outing records, a progress/conduct card, an application for enrollment, financial transactions, and letters/…