Student file of Frank Twiss, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on October 6, 1879 and ultimately departed on February 14, 1884. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains a former student response postcard, student information cards and a report after leaving indicating he…
Lowe, Adelia

Student information card of Frank Twiss, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on October 6, 1879 and departed on February 14, 1884.
Note: Twiss married former student Adelia Lowe.

Student file of Adelia Lowe, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on November 30, 1882 and departed on March 6, 1896. The file contains student information cards, returned student surveys, a financial transaction, and a report after leaving. The file indicates Lowe was housekeeping in Porcupine, South Dakota in 1909.

Student information card of Adelia Lowe, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on November 30, 1882 and departed on March 6, 1896. The information card indicates that Lowe graduated in 1896, married former student Frank Twiss, and was living in Porcupine, South Dakota in 1913.

Student file of Kate Stocker, a member of the Cheyenne Nation, who entered the school on September 21, 1886 and departed on September 25, 1895. The file contains a student information card, a letter, a returned student survey, and a report after leaving indicating Stocker was doing bead work in Darlington, Oklahoma in 1910.
In school…

The first page opened with a poem “Selected by Susan Longstreth,” titled “To My Dog ‘Blanco’” by J.G. Holland. The other feature on the first page was an account of “An Indian Girl on a Farm: She Enjoys a Holiday,” that described Adelia Lowe (Sioux) and Frances King’s (Quapaw) trip to Burlington, New Jersey, which continued on the fourth page.…

This issue commemorates the Eighth Graduating Exercises and Seventh Anniversary Exercises. The first page contained a list of distinguished guests in attendance. Graduation speeches from students are presented in the paper, as are transcribed accounts of the exercises. The list included Pennsylvania State officials, judges, clergymen, and…

Studio portrait of Adelia Lowe, probably wearing school uniform.

Studio portrait of Nellie Robertson, Etta Robertson, and Adelia Lowe, all wearing school uniforms.

Studio photograph of the graduating class of 1896. The sitters are marked with white numbers and identified in the caption below. They are: 1. Adams, Johnson, Chippewa 2. Davenport, Susie, Ottawa 3. Cayou, Frank, Omaha 4. Cornelius, Leila,Oneida 5. Gansworth, Leander, Tuscarora 6. Henry, Timothy, Tuscarora 7…

Richard Henry Pratt provides the Office of Indian Affairs with a list of 80 students to return to their homes due to expiration of their terms and sickness. Pratt also details the travel arrangements for travel to the various agencies and locations. He also notes that 68 pupils whose terms have expired have elected to remain at the school.

Captain Richard H. Pratt submits oaths of office from sixty-nine newly appointed employees.

These materials include letters and a descriptive statement of pupils regarding 14 individuals sent to the Carlisle Indian School from the Pine Ridge Agency in South Dakota. The correspondence includes a statement of the authority which allowed for the transfer.
This Descriptive Statement is a duplicate of a previously submitted…

These materials include a descriptive statement of pupils for 14 individuals transferred to the Carlisle Indian School from the Pine Ridge Agency of South Dakota.
Note: A duplicate of this statement was also submitted to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and is posted.

Richard Henry Pratt replies to a letter from W. N. Hailmann which apparently asked for recommendations for Carlisle students to fill teaching positions. Pratt recommends and discusses the qualifications of Julia Elmore, Adelia Lowe, and Henrietta Fremont. In addition, Pratt includes certifications of graduation for Elmore and Lowe.