
Displaying 1 - 2 of 2 records
Pratt Responds to Request for Enrolling Holiday
January 9, 1888 - January 13, 1888

Richard Henry Pratt responds to the Office of Indian Affairs regarding the request to enroll Holiday in the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt notes that Holiday is likely far above the age limit of Carlisle general rule and due to his work in Washington D.C. might not be prepared for the strictness of life at Carlisle. However, Pratt notes that if…

National Archives and Records Administration
Request to Allow Holiday to Return Home or Enroll at Carlisle
January 12, 1888

Lieutenant General P. H. Sheridan requests to return a Holiday, a member of the Apache Nation, to his people near Prescott, Arizona or to allow him to attend the Carlisle Indian School. Sheridan notes that Holiday was captured by the U.S. Army when he was very young and has been employed at the quartermaster's corral in Washington D.C. for five…

National Archives and Records Administration