Progress card of Andrew Hermequatewa, a member of the Hopi Nation, who entered the school on January 26, 1907.
Hermequatewa, Andrew

Student file of Andrew Hermequatewa, a member of the Hopi Nation, who entered the school on January 26, 1907 and departed on June 26, 1912. The file contains letters/correspondence, trade/position records, a student information card, medical/physical records, a former student response postcard, an outing record, a progress/conduct record, a…

Student information card of Andrew Hermequatewa, a member of the Hopi Nation, who entered the school on January 26, 1907 and departed on June 26, 1912. The file indicates Hermequatewa was living in Torevan, Arizona in 1915.
Note: Although this card shows an arrival date of February 26, the admissions ledger and his file suggest that he…

Student file of Archie Quamala, a member of the Hopi Nation, who entered the school on January 26, 1907 and departed on June 26, 1912. The file contains letters/correspondence, a student information card, medical/physical records, former student response postcards, an outing record, photographs, a returned student survey, a progress/conduct…

Student file of Lewis Tewanima, a member of the Hopi Nation, who entered the school on January 26, 1907, and departed on August 31, 1912. The file contains a student information card, trade/position record cards, a progress/conduct card, an outing record, medical/physical records, letters/correspondence, newspaper clippings, and photographs.…

These materials include correspondence regarding the enrollment status of students impacted by changing school admissions policies. The list includes students whose homes were within close proximity to public schools, who were over the age of 24, and those making slow academic progress.