Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding a request from George E. Gerowe, Superintendent of the Fort Stevenson Indian School, to enroll six students at the Carlisle Indian School. Pratt notes that he has little transportation funds left but would be willing to bring the students to Carlisle as long as two…
Gerowe, George E.

George E. Gerowe, Superintendent of the Fort Stevenson Indian School, responds to the Office of Indian School letter regarding the cost of transfer of six students to the Carlisle Indian School. Gerowe states that he is willing to place the vouchers before the Office for acceptance or rejection and hopes to start in 8 or 10 days.

George E. Gerowe, Superintendent of the Fort Stevenson Indian School, who is at Carlisle after accompanying transferred students, requests a leave of absence to visit the Commissioner of Indian Affairs and visit New York.

Richard Henry Pratt requests to have two of the students from the Fort Stevenson School by George E. Gerowe returned. Pratt notes that the Carlisle Indian School school physician found the two students should not have been approved by the examining physician but that Gerowe suggests that Carlisle keep the students until more serious ailments…

Richard Henry Pratt proposes sending William P. Campbell to Montana in order to represent the interest of the Carlisle Indian School in selecting students. Pratt states that Campbell will be able to tell the facts about Carlisle better than others who have never been to Carlisle.