Major Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists new employees (Eugene H. Brock), and those who have changed positions (Marion W. De Loss). Pratt also sends Eugene H. Brock's application for a position as an assistant disciplinarian.
Brock, Eugene H.

Richard Henry Pratt requests that a Civil Service exam be arranged for E. H. Brock in order to make his temporarily appointment as Assistant Disciplinarian be made permanent.

Richard Henry Pratt responds to an Office of Indian Affairs circular discussing employees whose probationary periods have expired.

Major Richard Henry Pratt submits a report that lists all of the employees at the school to start the 1900-1901 fiscal year (A. J. Standing, O. H. Bakeless, W. B. Beitzel, W. Grant Thompson, Dennison Wheelock, M. Burgess, A. S. Ely, W. H. Miller, Fannie I. Peter, M. S. Barr, Benjamin F. Bennett, Kate S. Bowersox, Jessie W. Cook, Mariette Wood,…

Major Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists new employees (Dora S. Dutton, S. J. Nori and Annie B. Moore), those who have left the school (Jamie P. Cochran, E. H. Brock, Lida C. Sabin, and Frank Hudson), and those who have changed positions (Nellie V. Robertson and E. B. Simon). These reports include personal information about those…

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Office of Indian Affairs that Assistant Disciplinarian E. H. Brock has resigned and notes that W. Lewis Haldy has taken the Civil Service Exam and is highly recommended.