Twenty-three Apache students [version 1], 1891

Studio portrait of fourteen male students and nine female students. The caption of the Cumberland County Historical Society identifies them as from the Apache nation and gives a date of 1891 for the image. Previous catloging for this version also says they are Apache students but says there is a date of 16 January 1892 in the caption.


Staff at the Cumberland County Historical Society have identified, based on comparison with other photographs, that the following students are in this group: Parker Whitney West, Ernest Hogee, Viola Zieh, Dorothy Dekhlikiseh, Naomi Merkel (Kohten), Janette Woods (Pahgostatum), Annette Suison, Oswald Smith, Jason Betzinez, and Gail Marko.

Time Period
NAA_73540; Photo Lot 81-12 06831400
John N. Choate, Carlisle, PA