Studio portrait of Pasquala Anderson and Ida Swallow.
Sioux (Oglala)
Studio portrait of the graduating class of 1901.
The students are identified with white numbers corresponding to the typed label below the photograph. They are:1. Peters, Nellie, 2. Palmer, Jessie, 3. Johnson, Mark, 4. Johnson, Dollie, 5. Baine, John, 6. Powlas, Alice, 7. Beaver, Frank, 8.…
Studio photograph of the graduating class of 1903. They are identified as: 1. Tatiyopa, Henry, 2. Kimball, John, 3. Ezhuna, Joseph, 4. Doxtator, Commodore, 5. Doxtator, Alice, 6. Brown, Lillian, 7. Hill, Amy, 8. Bishop, Frank, 9. Brushel, Samuel, 10. Callsen, Minnie, 11. Callsen, Katie…
The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: Pine Ridge - S.D. William C. Girton. Ass't Add'l Farmer. and his wife Fanny Girton.
Commissioner of Indian Affairs Ezra A. Hayt denies the request of American Horse to visit Washington DC and Carlisle (to see his children), citing concerns about the winter weather. Hayt says to W. McK. Heath (the recipient of the letter) that plans will be made for some of the members of the Oglala Sioux to visit Carlisle in the spring instead…
These materials include telegrams and a descriptive statement of students regarding 3 individuals sent to the Carlisle Indian School from the Pine Ridge Agency of South Dakota. The telegrams indicate that Carlisle's superintendent, Richard Henry Pratt, travelled to Pine Ridge to select students and escort them back East.
These materials include a descriptive statement of students for 10 individuals transferred to the Carlisle Indian School from the Pine Ridge Agency in South Dakota.
These materials include a descriptive statement of pupils for 14 individuals transferred to the Carlisle Indian School from the Pine Ridge Agency of South Dakota.
Note: A duplicate of this statement was also submitted to the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and is posted.