Student information card of Jannette Whirlwind, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1889 and departed on July 29, 1890.
In school documentation Jannette Whirlwind's name is also spelled Jeanette Whirlwind.
Student information card of Jannette Whirlwind, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1889 and departed on July 29, 1890.
In school documentation Jannette Whirlwind's name is also spelled Jeanette Whirlwind.
Student information card of Lucy Star, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1889 and departed on July 29, 1890.
Student information card of Lucy Star, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1889 and departed on July 29, 1890.
Student file of Lulu Blind, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1889 and departed on September 17, 1890. The file contains student information cards and a trade/position card indicating that Blind was living in Geary, Oklahoma in 1914.
In school documentation Lulu Blind's name is also spelled Lula…
Student information card of Lulu Blind, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1889 and departed on September 17, 1890.
Student information card of Maggie Simpson, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1889 and departed on April 23, 1895.
Student information card of Maggie Simpson, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1889 and departed on April 23, 1895.
Student information card of Tabitha Carroll, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1889. Carrol died on February 3, 1893 and is buried in the Carlisle Indian School cemetery.
Student information card of Tabitha Carroll, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on November 14, 1889 and departed on February 3, 1893. Carroll was buried in the cemetery on the school grounds.
In school documentation Tabitha Carroll's name is also spelled Tabitha Carrol.
Student information card of Clyde Oldman, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on September 7, 1895 and departed on May 20, 1899.
Student file of Celia Harold, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on September 22, 1895 and departed on July 6, 1898. The file contains student information cards, a returned student survey, and report after leaving indicating Harold married Charley Lee and was a housewife in Canton, Oklahoma in 1911.
In school…
Student information card of Celia Harold, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on September 22, 1895 and departed on July 6, 1898. The file indicates Harold was married and living in Canton, Ohio in 1913.
Student information card of Fannie (here Fanny) Settle, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on September 22, 1895 and departed on February 5, 1896.
Student information card of Fannie Settle, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on September 22, 1895 and departed on February 5, 1896.
In school documentation Fannie Settle's name is also spelled Fanny Settle.
Student file of Carl Sweezy, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on August 28, 1896 and departed on July 3, 1897. The file contains a student information card, a returned student survey, and a record after leaving that indicates that Sweezy was a laborer in Darlington, Oklahoma in 1910 and farmer in Colony, Oklahoma in 1911…
Student information card of Carl Sweezy, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on August 28, 1896 and departed on July 3, 1897. The file indicates Sweezy was living in Colony, Oklahoma in 1913.
Note: Although this card shows the father of Carl Sweezy being Yellow Man, a descendant has indicated that his father's name was…
Student file of Henry Blind, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school August 28, 1896 and departed on July 6, 1898. The file contains correspondence, a student information card, a returned student survey, and a report after leaving. The file indicates Blind was a farmer in Geary, Oklahoma in 1910 and 1913.
Student information card of Henry Blind, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on August 28, 1896 and departed on July 6, 1898. The file indicates Blind was living in Geary, Oklahoma in 1913.
Student information card of John Black, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on August 28, 1896 and departed on December 14, 1896.
Student information card of John Black, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on August 28, 1896 and departed on December 14, 1896.
Student information card of Theodore Howery, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on August 28, 1896 and departed on November 12, 1896.
Student information card of Theodore Howery, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on August 28, 1896 and departed on November 12, 1896.
Student information card of Edward Hoag, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on September 9, 1896 and departed on July 20, 1900.
Student information card of Edward Hoag, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on September 9, 1896 and departed on July 20, 1900.
Student file of Grover Cleveland, a member of the Arapaho Nation, who entered the school on September 9, 1896 and departed on October 6, 1899. The file contains a student information card and a report after leaving. The file indicates Cleveland enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1899 and was a farmer in Geary, Oklahoma in 1910.
In school…