Displaying 201 - 202 of 202 records
Pratt Provides Information on the Outing System
December 19, 1894 - January 24, 1895

Richard Henry Pratt discusses the outing program at Carlisle and its successes and failures. In addition, Pratt earlier requested additional funding to double the enrollment of the Carlisle Indian School in order to place more students on outing thereby allowing students to enjoy the public schools in the Eastern United States rather than…

National Archives and Records Administration
Audit of the Financial Transactions of Richard Henry Pratt
August 23, 1904

This audit and report, which concerns the finances of the Carlisle Indian School as administered by Richard Henry Pratt, was prepared immediately following his retirement as superintendent of the school. The report focuses on the use of non-governmental funds - charitable donations to the school, as well as income earned through athletics and…

Financial Documents, Legal and Government Documents, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration