Map of Asia drawn by George W. Fire Thunder.
Student Schoolwork
Examples of

J. R. Wise responds to an Office of Indian Affairs letter regarding the Jamestown Exposition. Wise provides a list of articles to be provided by the Carlisle Indian School as well as building the exhibition cases. In addition, Wise states that the Johnston photographs can be used along with newer photos along with Native work from Angel De Cora…

William A. Mercer informs the Office of Indian Affairs that he has forwarded by separate mail papers consisting of papers from the academic department along with items from Angel De Cora's Indian Art Department.

Arithmetic schoolwork by Frank Laquier based on working in the boiler house.

Three character sketches by students of the Carlisle Indian School. James Halftown describes two women who visited the campus, Jessie Rowland writes about a large gentleman, and Guy describes a female teacher.
Note: Guy is probably Guy Plenty Horse.

Student essays entitled The Story of Enoch Arden written by the following: Elizabeth Fishe (Menominee), Philip Morris (Nez Perce), Elizabeth Lavatta (Shoshone), Levi Elk Looks Back (Sioux), John Jackson (Objiway, January 10, 1910, Lottie C. Tramper (Cherokee), Thomas Myiow (Mohawk), Hugh Wheelock (Oneida), William Yellowelk (Sioux), Anna Rose (…

Two essays by unidentified students describing a trip to Philadelphia to watch the University of Pennsylvania vs Carlisle Indian School football game.