Student file of Fannie Rolling Bull, a member of the Cheyenne Nation, who entered the school on February 28, 1907 and departed on June 24, 1912. The file contains a student information card, a former student response postcard, correspondence, an application for enrollment, medical/physical records, outing evaluations, outing records, and a progress/conduct card. The files indicate that after leaving Rolling Bull married Milton Whiteman and was living in Lame Deer, Montana with her husband and children.
In school documentation Fannie Rolling Bull's name is also spelled Fannie Rollingbull, Fanny Rollingbull, Fanny Rolling Bull, Fannie R. Bull, and Fannie Rowling Bull. Her married name is Fannie Rolling Bull Whiteman or Fannie Little Whiteman (Mrs. Milton White Man or Mrs. Milton Whiteman).