Stackhouse, H. S.

Displaying 1 - 16 of 16 records
James Taogoa Kowice Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of James Taogoa Kowice, a member of the Pueblo Nation, who entered the school on October 18, 1894 and ultimately departed on June 23, 1909. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, a returned student survey, a trade/position card, a former student…

National Archives and Records Administration
Chiltoski Nick Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Chiltoski Nick, a member of the Eastern Band of Cherokee, who entered the school on March 13, 1896, and ultimately departed the school on March 22, 1905. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains three student information cards indicating that Chiltoski, who also went by the…

National Archives and Records Administration
Jacob Taylor Student File
Date of Entry:

Student File of Jacob Taylor, a member of the Seneca Nation, who entered the school on September 13, 1898 and ultimately departed on April 2, 1908. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains returned student survey, trade/position record cards, student information cards, and a report after…

National Archives and Records Administration
Preston Ogle Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Preston Ogle, a member of the Pima Nation, who entered the school on August 7, 1899 and departed on June 29, 1904. The file contains a student information card, a report after leaving, and a returned student survey. The file indicates Ogle was a farmer in Scottsdale, Arizona as of 1910.

In school documentation Preston…

National Archives and Records Administration
Horton G. Elm Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Horton G. Elm, a member of the Oneida Nation, who entered the school on September 26, 1899 and departed on June 21, 1904. The file contains a newspaper article in which he speaks about the possibility of Native American citizenship, a student information card, and a report after leaving indicating Elm was a laborer in Caledonia…

National Archives and Records Administration
Samuel Cook Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Samuel Cook, a member of the Nez Perce Nation, who entered the school on December 14, 1903, and departed on June 23, 1909. The file contains a student information card, progress/conduct card, a trade/position record card, a returned student survey, an application for enrollment, and a report after leaving that indicates Cook was…

National Archives and Records Administration
Ambrose Miguel Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Ambrose Miguel, a member of the Yuma Nation, who entered the school on October 19, 1904 and departed on May 11, 1909. The file contains a student information card, news clippings, a returned student survey, a medical/physical record, a progress/conduct card, and a report after leaving. The file indicates Miguel was a store clerk…

National Archives and Records Administration
St. Elmo Jim Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of St. Elmo Jim, a member of the Pawnee Nation, who entered the college August 24, 1905 and departed June 22, 1910. The file contains correspondence, an application for enrollment, a medical/physical record, a student information card, former student response postcards, a returned student survey, news clippings, trade/position…

National Archives and Records Administration
Harrison Smith Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Harrison Smith, a member of the Oneida Nation, who entered the school on September 3, 1905 and ultimately departed on June 16, 1913. The file contains a student information card, applications for enrollment, a medical/physical record, trade/position record cards, a returned student survey, a progress/conduct card, an outing…

National Archives and Records Administration
Sampson Burd Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Sampson Burd, a member of the Piegan Nation, who entered the school on December 21, 1907 and ultimately departed on October 1, 1912. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains a medical/physical record, student information cards, a trade/position record card, a newspaper…

National Archives and Records Administration
Charles Williams Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Charles Williams, a member of the Caddo Nation, who entered the school on September 13, 1908 and departed on June 16, 1913. The file contains a student information card, a trade/position record card, a progress/conduct card, outing evaluations, financial transactions, an outing record, an application for enrollment, a medical/…

National Archives and Records Administration
Fred Leicher Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Fred Leicher, a member of the Stockbridge Nation, who entered the school on March 2, 1910 and departed on June 21, 1911. The file includes a student information card, medical/physical records, an application for enrollment, trade/position record cards, a report after leaving, a progress/conduct card, outing records, and a…

National Archives and Records Administration
Jose Montoya Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Jose Montoya, a member of the Pueblo Nation, who entered the school on December 19, 1910 and departed on June 8, 1914. The file contains an application for enrollment, a student information card, a medical/physical record, outing evaluations, a news clipping, an outing record, financial transactions, a progress/conduct card, and…

National Archives and Records Administration
John Bear Horse Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of John Bear Horse, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on September 30, 1912, and departed on June 16, 1913. The file contains student information cards, physical records, an application for enrollment, an outing evaluation, financial transactions, and an outing record. 

In school documentation John…

National Archives and Records Administration
Andrew S. Condon Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Andrew S. Condon, a member of the Sioux Nation, who entered the school on August 25, 1913, and departed on April 18, 1917. The file contains student information cards, an application for enrollment, financial transactions, medical/physical records, an outing record, progress/conduct cards from Dickinson College Preparatory…

National Archives and Records Administration
Alex Roy Student File
Date of Entry:

Student file of Alex Roy, a member of the Chippewa Nation, who entered the school on January 26, 1914, graduated in 1917, and departed on June 12, 1917. The file contains a student information card, an application for enrollment, a physical record, outing evaluations, financial transactions, correspondence, an outing record, and certificates of…

National Archives and Records Administration