Student file of William Springer, a member of the Omaha Nation, who entered the school on August 19, 1882, and ultimately departed on October 23, 1888. The student did not attend the school continuously, but left and reentered. The file contains student information cards, correspondence related to his daughters and his sister attending the…
Smith, J.

Student file of Hugh James, a member of the Oneida Nation, who entered the school on June 22, 1888 and departed on January 31, 1893. The file contains a returned student survey, a student information card, and a report after leaving indicating that James was married to Miss Lena Green and working in West De Pere, Wisconsin in 1911.

Student information card of Jack Stewart, a member of the Crow Nation, who entered the school on March 31, 1890 and departed on July 3, 1897.
In school documentation Jack Stewart is also known as Jack Boy that Grabs.

Student information cards of Chester Smith, a member of the Osage Nation, who entered the school on November 1, 1890 and ultimately departed on October 4, 1897.
In school documentation Chester Smith is also known as Wah-sah-ah-tah.

Student file of Arnold Smith, a member of the Karuk Nation, who entered the school on July 26, 1897, and departed on September 6, 1900. The file contains a student information card indicating that Smith went on one outing while at Carlisle.
Note: Although this card lists Arnold Smith as Klamath, a researcher has indicated that he…

Student file of Sampson Cornelius, a member of the Oneida Nation, who entered the school on December 20, 1899 and departed on April 29, 1901. The file contains a student information card, a news clipping that provides details of his resignation as an engineer due to eye troubles, and a report after leaving that indicates Cornelius was…