Acting Secretary of the Interior H. L. Muldrew returns a letter from Richard Henry Pratt regarding exceptions of the Second Auditor taken regarding settlement of accounts for various contractors. The contracts were modified to reflect that payment was made by Pratt and not the Office of Indian Affairs.
Muldrew, H. L.

Secretary of the Interior Lucius Q. C. Lamar orders the Assistant Secretary of the Interior H. L. Muldrew to provide Richard Henry Pratt with orders authorizing him to transfer members of the Apache Nation being held prisoner at Fort Marion in St. Augustine, Florida to the Carlisle Indian School.

A. B. Upshaw, Acting Commissioner of the Office of Indian Affairs, forwards a copy of the proposal of Andrew Wetzel as well as Samuel Wetzel for the construction of a new building at the Carlisle Indian School. The Acting Secretary of the Interior H. L. Muldrew approves the contract if there are no objections.

Wrap for telegraph from Richard Henry Pratt in which he describes difficulties in securing pupils, asks authority from the Office of Indian Affairs authority for 150 students, and opportunity to answer adverse allegations.
The telegraph itself is not included.

Richard Henry Pratt, head of the Sioux Commission, informs the Secretary Interior that Agents should be notified they are authorized to bring themselves, interpreters, and Indians to Washington D.C. The Sioux Commission will pay for transportation.

H. L. Muldrew, 1st Assistant Secretary of the Department of the Interior, grants two weeks leave of absence to Richard Henry Pratt.