Miller, James

Displaying 26 - 36 of 36 records
Charles Antell and James Miller, Jr., c.1898

Studio portrait of Charles Antell and James Miller, Jr.

Photographic Print, B&W
Cumberland County Historical Society
List of Pueblo Students Brought by Sheldon Jackson in 1881
April 4, 1881

Richard Henry Pratt forwards a list of names of Pueblo students brought by the Rev. Sheldon Jackson to Carlisle in February 1881.

National Archives and Records Administration
Office of Indian Affairs Actions Taken in Pueblo Agencies Regarding Returned Students
September 3, 1889 - December 6, 1889

Richard Henry Pratt returns the correspondence surrounding the treatment of returned pupils to Pueblo agencies in New Mexico. Pratt notes that he is happy to see the actions taken by the Office of Indian Affairs, including the actions taken by Frank D. Lewis, U.S. Special Indian Agent, in removing and criminally charging the Governor of the…

National Archives and Records Administration
Pratt Informs Office of Claims of Abuse of Returned Students at Acoma Village
September 27, 1889

Richard Henry Pratt informs the Commissioner of Indian Affairs that he has received a letter from Colonel Robert Marmon denouncing the treatment of children returned from various training schools by the Governor and officials of Acoma Village. Pratt suggests sending Special Agent Lewis to investigate the claims. He also documents that there…

National Archives and Records Administration
Descriptive Statements of Changes in School Employees, February 1902
February 27, 1902

Acting Superintendent Edgar A. Allen submits a report that lists new employees (James Miller and James E. Johnson) and those who have left the school (Samuel Miller, William Mt. Pleasant, Isabel Schweier, and Lulu C. Lewis). The reports include position title, salary, date of departure, and reason for departure. An explanatory cover letter is…

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
Descriptive Statements of Changes in School Employees and Resignations, March 1902
February 28 - March 22, 1902

Acting Superintendent Edgar A. Allen submits a report that lists new employees (Josephine Janese, Carrie M. Kistler, and Seth S. Ear), those who have left the school (Dora S. Dutton, George E. Hollenbaugh, Jennie Wolf, and Robert Bruce) and those who have changed positions (William Burgess, George L. Gottwerth, and James Miller). The reports…

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
Descriptive Statement of Changes in School Employees, July 1902
May 19 - July 29, 1902

Lt. Colonel Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists employees who have left the school (Josephine R. Walter, William Burgess, H. M. Robertson, O. T. Harris, S. W. Thompson, Rosa B. Brown, Mattie A. Harm, Dora M. Peters, and Lizzie C. Jacobs), those who have changed positions (E. G. Sprow, Howard E. Gansworth, and Elizabeth Searight), and…

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
James Miller's Application for Annual Leave of Absence
August 4, 1902

Richard Henry Pratt forwards Laborer James Miller's application for a 10-day annual leave of absence. 

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Six Reports on Leave of Absence
December 2, 1902

Richard H. Pratt forwards six reports on leave of absence and for several employees: Fannie I. Peter (clerk), Anne S. Ely (outing agent), Sara Pierre (hospital cook), Benjamin F. Bennett (farmer), Frances A. Veitch (assistant matron), and James Miller (laborer).

Standard Forms & Transactions:
National Archives and Records Administration
Descriptive Statements of Changes in School Employees and Resignation, February 1903
February 26, 1903

Colonel Richard H. Pratt submits a report that lists employees who have left the school (James Miller) and those who have started at the school (Joseph Hummingbird). These reports include personal information about those being hired as well as reasons for departure for those leaving. Miller's letter of resignation is attached.

Letters/Correspondence, Reports
National Archives and Records Administration
List of Former Students Employed in the Indian Service
August 12, 1903

List of 101 former Carlisle Indian School students including graduates who are employed in the Indian Service. List taken from the Report of Commissioner of Indian Affairs from 1902.

National Archives and Records Administration