Student file of David Little Oldman, a member of the Cheyenne Nation, who entered the school on August 13, 1904, and departed on April 2, 1909. The file contains photographs, correspondence, a physical record, a news clipping, a progress card, and a report after leaving indicating that he was working as a rancher and blacksmith in Birney,…
Little Oldman, David

Progress card of David Little Oldman, a member of the Cheyenne Nation, who entered the school on August 13, 1904.

Student information card of David Little Oldman (here Old Man), a member of the Cheyenne Nation, who entered the school on August 13, 1904 and departed on April 2, 1909. The file indicates Little Oldman was living in Burney, Montana in 1913.

Group portrait of male and female students on stage wearing costumes. They are the cast of the play, "The Captain of Plymouth," produced at the school from March 29-March 31, 1909.
The caption written below this image was supplied by Cumberland County Historical Society staff.
Note: There were two students named James…

Group portrait of eight male students wearing costumes. They are the "Braves' Chorus," characters in the performance of the play, "The Captain of Plymouth," produced at the school from March 29-March 31, 1909.
The program lists eleven students in the Braves Chorus: Ernest Quickbear, Lyford John, Thomas Rowland, George Gates, David…

The handwritten caption on the reverse reads: D. Little Oldman.
This photo shows David Little Oldman shoeing a horse at a blacksmith's shop "in which he was regularly employed... at $75 per month." This information was taken from a letter contained in Little Oldman's student file.

The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: David Little Oldman.
This photograph is of David Little Oldman plowing his field with the assistance of horses and another man.

The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: David Little Oldman.
This photograph is of David Little Oldman plowing his field with the assistance of horses and another man.

The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: David Little Oldman.
This photograph is of David Little Oldman plowing his field with the assistance of horses and another man.

The handwritten note on the reverse side reads: D. Little Oldman.
This photograph is of David Little Oldman plowing his field with the assistance of horses and another man.

These materials include correspondence regarding mistakes on the attendance report. The report indicated certain students were over the age of enrollment and the Office of Indian Affairs sought clarification on their enrollment.

The program for "The Captain of Plymouth," performed as part of the Commencement Exercises of 1909. The program lists the various acts of the performance as well as the student actors.
Note: In two cases it is unclear which student is referred to: Mary Cooke in this program could refer to Mary Cook (who entered in 1901) or Mary…

This document lists payments made or owed by student athletes at Carlisle in 1907 and 1908.
In Inspector Linnen's main report for the 1914 Congressional investigation at Carlisle, this document is labelled Exhibit G.