Student file of Margaret Woodell, a member of the Lumbee Nation, who entered the school on September 7, 1911 and departed on October 1, 1911. The file contains student information cards, a former student response postcard, a medical/physical record, an application for enrollment, and a report after leaving indicating that Woodell had married and was a housewife in Pembroke, North Carolina in 1914.
In school documentation Margaret Woodell's name is also spelled Margrett Woodell, Margaret Wowdell, and Margrette Woodell. Her married name is Margaret Sampson.
Note: Members of the Lumbee Nation as recognized today were generally referred to as Cherokee Indians of Robeson County during the early 20th century, which is why the old documentation from the school identifies this student at Cherokee.
Note: Although documents in this file show an arrival date of September 8, the admissions ledger and her information card suggest that she actually arrived on September 7.